We put our jerseys forms in on Friday, apparently should be here somewhere around Feb, as its usually 10-12 weeks or somethng production.
They are black, jade and purple - with our names on the back in white, and the number is black, with a white outline as the whole back is black.
I don't mind the design, but think it will end up fading pretty bad.
My day has consisted of:
Waking up about 11.20 - and feeling like it was a school day
Cooked lunch, and went to the shop to get stuff - brother and his mates came around soon after.
From at least 2.30 til 6.30 played Black Hawk Down Delta Force across our 4 computers, and then Tom had his laptop to make it 5.
Had a break, went for a little bit of a drive, came home, had dinner, started playing BHDDF again.
My eyes are feeling slightly sorish now - doesn't help having to focus well for sniperring also. Came 1st or 2nd in all things practically.
Now I'm off to bed as I've got work - oh yay, just remembered that its 7.30 not 7, so I can get an extra 30 mins of sleep
Oh. I also got good news today about something I'm doing - got to do 250 CDs at like 5 bucks each = of my photos of an event that happened here.
Money for me - woot!