obimoshman1234 said:
sigh i feel for those doing egypt i really do i dont know why but its so BOORRRRIINNNGGGGG by comparsion to other things.
You may not be suited to it, or you may just have a boring teacher.
I remember being slightly bored by Egypt in the HSC, and almost giving up the study of it. The inherent problem of the HSC Egyptian stuff is that it looks at periods with relative continuity.
When you start putting Ramesside society in perspective of the broader New Kingdom, and the New Kingdom in perspective of pharaonic history, you really see great things.
Another thing is that one really can't appreciate Egyptian pharaohs unless you've invested time into understanding the culture. For example, I remember my teacher telling us about the kings' names, and me not giving a shit / not understanding why it matters. Then I studied the language and realised how important the names are - Hatshepsut chose her to imply that it is
truth (maat) that
is the soul (ka)
of Re. Truth is a feminine noun and deity, so she was basically saying that a female can be a ruler, and that she was a true ruler. Then Horemheb chose a name that basically showed that he was chosen of the two important gods of the time (Amun and Re), as opposed to the Aten. In fact, Horemheb means "Horus is in festival" - ie, he's very happy. Part of his other name, Djoserkheperw, means "Holy are the manifestations of Re" - note manifestation
s, not manifestation (ie the Aten). It's a clear message that there are many forms of the sun god, not one.
Anyway, my point is that it seems all the same and boring at first, but then you realise that it's great.