Cool question, it's a shame there isn't more solid geometry or combinatorial geometry in the HS syllabus

Take the origin 0 to be the centre of the sphere.
If all of the satellites are co-linear, then the problem is trivial (any point on the sphere that also lies on the plane through 0 which is orthogonal to this line does not have vision of any of the satellites).
Suppose then, that x,y are two linearly independent satellites (ie 0,x,y form a non-degenerate triangle, and hence define a plane E.)
This plane intersects the sphere in a great circle that after rotation we can view as the equator of the sphere (just for ease of nomenclature).
Then we draw tangent planes N and S at the "north" and "south" poles, relative to to this equator.
An observer at the north pole can only see everything lying above N, and an observer at S can only see everything lying below S.
So if the claim were not true there would have to be at least 18 points above N and at least 18 points below S.
As these sets are disjoint, there can be at most 1 point between the planes N and S.
But x and y both lie between N and S...contradiction! (note that the planes E, S and N are all parallel.)