omg i would hate that so much. i'm basically incapable of doing any serious artmaking at school.
when you say 'larger scale' do you mean paper/wood/etc that is too large for you to transport home?
if so, mannnn just work out a way to get it home.
i'm most productive on my art major in the early hours of the morning and if your work is at school you can't add to it immediately when the inspiration strikes.
larger scale of paper that is too large for me to transport home

I'm sure if I really bothered enough there would be a way to get it home or purchase some of the paper from a store.
That is Plan B.
Plan C is to just keep it at the normal A3 size I have now (Which i've already finished 80% of). This is if I don't end up finishing Plan A (Which is to do it at school). The thing about me is that I don't finish everything in 1 go, I have to do it bit by bit and that is done best at home.
But now because of the new circumstances I have to harden the fk up and maximise the time I have at school. However, I still have Plan B and C in mind
My major work will consist of very detailed drawings so they take a couple of hours. It takes longer when i'm tired and shorter when I'm at full capacity. So sleep will be vital lol. (i'm always tired cos of little sleep)