im so stressed that i can’t sleep at night

i wish that i was joking
english is actually the subject im the most confident with (besides mod c coz im winging if it’s discursive)
eco is scaring me because i feel least prepared for the essay sections - im able to bullshit my way through them with theory and stats to hopefully a B, but i literally get mind blanks and freak out every time i see the questions. - im gonna do 2 a day tho in the hsc lead up to prepare
im rlly confident in modern for the short answers - at this current moment im having a full panic about the essays, but i know that once i’ve memorised my paragraphs there’ll be nothing to worry about because it’ll all be in my head.
but yeah
i just rlly want to do well because i’ve studied so hard and sacrificed so much this year, so if i don’t receive my desired atar, i might cry