Hmm, I am incredibly bored so decided that maybe giving this a go might help me decide who's vote worthy this election...
Eliminate laptops for students program, as well as the Building Education Revolution. These disastrous programs are a complete waste of tax payers money. Ask any student newly endowed with a tax payer laptop, and they'll tell you they are nothing but a distraction in class. Furthermore,I know at my school, in my last year in year 12, kids would just play low-end computer games on their laptops all lunch instead of playing sport or just mucking around outside.
Bring in incentives for teachers to improve their style of teaching, as well as to improve their skills. Teachers who consistently achieve greater leaps in skill attainment for their students (as measured off peers in similar schools teaching the same subject area) get payed the most, with a 'sliding scale' down to the worst teachers who receive abysmal wages to strongly discourage continuing with the profession. Worst teachers get sacked. Head hunt from an early age the best performing students who exhibit qualities suitable for teaching from high school/at uni and provide generous packages to encourage pursuit of the profession. Systematically recognize talented students as early as year 1 or 2 primary school and as late as university, and seek to provide them with faster tracked learning, if appropriate in a selective schooling environment. Abolish selective schools admissions test as sole basis for admission to a selective school.
Public transport, public transport and more public transport, oh and cycle ways. As an example, for Sydney (I know pm does not have the authority to carry out these measures personally): Aim to DOUBLE bus/rail/ferry frequencies by 2020. Extensive cycle network SEPERATE FROM THE ROADWAY (aka sprayed on symbols of bikes on the road IS NOT A CYCLEWAY). Introduction of extensive light rail for high density areas. Halve public transport costs, introduce integrated ticketing with a credit system, with cheaper ticketing the heavier the use. All of these measures would drastically reduce road use and congestion, while sparking economic growth by drastic reducing fuel costs and travel time for businesses.
Extensive scrutiny of those persons on disability support pensions, as well as persons on long term unemployment benefits. Drastic reform for public housing: massive sell offs and consolidation, particularly in heritage areas and of full sized houses. Position public housing as only a temporary solution in times of desperation for all but the most vulnerable persons. Kick out tenants on a stable, adequate income. Aim to decrease the red tape and lower taxes on developments in order to lower housing development costs and in turn eventually rent.
The wealthy in this country are punished severely and looked down upon for being successful. Many admittedly are advantaged from birth, but many people also work their asses off all their life to get where they are. Taxes on the highest incomes are exorbitant at best. They have to be gradually cut, and the severity of the 'income bracket' system we currently have drastically reduced and 'flattened out' so to speak.
Federal health care system, cut the bureaucracy and waste. It would be nice to think a practical way to introduce tax breaks and incentives for people who keep fit/eat healthy/don't smoke or take drugs could be found, but i can't think of anything practical.
NBN is a gigantic waste of money (tens of billions) and provisioning internet infrastructure on such a massive scale is a grossly inappropriate role for the federal government to take. However, already billions have most likely been spent on its development so pulling out now would be foolish.
Invest in rail. See Public Transport for the gist of the focus.
... hmm, so I guess both the major parties are crap. Oh well, may as well vote Greens simply because Labor and Liberal are so spineless, and just keep spluttering their rhetorical, meaningless, petty garbage...