i have a very sexy learning disability, sexlexia
- on my third birthday i cut through an extension cord with a knife, while it was on
- i broke my right pinkie when i was 7 trying to pick up some rubbish
- stitches in my ass from when i sat on a soap tray in a bath
- stitches in my eyebrow from when it got caught in the springs on a trampoline
- stitches in my elbow from falling onto a star picket, im lucky not to have nerve damage
- stitches in the back of my head from falling onto a brick wall when i tried to swing from a washing line.
- an osteochondroma on my right distil femur (half a golf ball growing out the side of my knee) , and bursitis in my quad from when it got hit playing basketball.
- i have jarred my fingers and rolled my ankles too many times to count
- my back and neck are rooted
- i have been metaphorically stabbed in the heart
last year i was camping with a few friends and an (ir)responsible adult, it was raining and we had a huge tarp laying on the ground. one of the adults got some detergent we started sliding on the tarp. everyone was doing this for ages, i lucked out and was the one that hit a bit of metal that was under the tarp.
I had a huge gash near my knee, but i was laughing and giggling all the way to the hospital

. I got 14 stitches and still have nerve damage.
http://img17.imageshack.us/img17/3503/img0566copyj.jpg thats the wound when it was open.
its lucky because later that night everyone was sleeping in a double decker bus which caught fire about 3 am, luckily someone woke up and got everyone out.