I have no idea what I'm doing in these calculations... what are some tips when they give you a data or a graph on absorbance vs concentration of cations ??????
Also, how do you change ppm into ppb and mg/L to g/L ???
Well first ppm = mg/L ( thats the equivalent of 1 gram in 1 000 000 grams or a tonne)
So 5 ppm is equal to 5mg/L.
Also 1000ppb = 1mg and 1000mg = 1g, therefore 1 000 000ppb = 1g
So again 5mg/L = 0.005 g/L
With the graph, they generally give at least one standard value for an absorption, and you will just plot that on a graph and then draw a line from the origin passing through the point. If they provide you with more than one value just plot them on the graph then draw the line of best fit. Once you have drawn the graph just go to the absorption value or the concentration value, draw a line until you meet the line of best fit and move across to find the concentration or absorption value required.
If that is not what you need then can you be more specific.