Person 12,482
Evan despises teamsports as people are always being pushy therefore Evan does not like Basketball, the only sport things Evan used to do was track and weights but studies got in the way so Evan dropped it and is now useless at both
Marcus informs Evan that Lynn has already done this.
EDIT: Marcus had the largest feet, at size thirteen, but was shorter than Justin - Lynn and Susan were the shortest, with Alan just above them. Amber is quite tall, but Marcus doesn't know about Katie.
Thank you. Diana would like to inform all that she is........................................................150sumthin(she's not quite sure - thinking 155-157maybe??)
Katie would like to thank Marcus for his (incredibly true) comments on Katie's extreme sexiness. She still maintains Evan is in denial though. Katie is sorry if she seems a little distracted, as she is currently watching Outback Jack and yelling at the tv
Diana understands what Katie is going through as she is also watching Outback Jack (but isnt yellin)...
Diana wonders if all Dutch people are tall
Evans comment about the 04er's has got Diana thinking