Hi guys.
I was just wondering if anyone has any experience in doing not so well in previous years, but doing well in year 12?
I know this may sound really stupid, but I'm just feeling really demotivated and worried about not doing well in year 12 because of how I have been doing in high school so far. I go to a top 5 selective school, but I am still yet to find an effective study method for myself. I really only have one shot at this HSC thing
but I don't know if this is going to work out since I don't have any successes in previous years
I don't know how I am even going to study for the HSC in an effective way
If anyone has any tips with their HSC experiences it would be greatly appreciated 
I was just wondering if anyone has any experience in doing not so well in previous years, but doing well in year 12?
I know this may sound really stupid, but I'm just feeling really demotivated and worried about not doing well in year 12 because of how I have been doing in high school so far. I go to a top 5 selective school, but I am still yet to find an effective study method for myself. I really only have one shot at this HSC thing