I wouldn't 'not' do pomo for fear of EE1 students - I think I did a pomo reading in there, and I did RFTG for EE1 (which has NOTHING to do with pomo

Technically you have to bring up the pomo structure so it's something of a given that you will have to pick that one. For fun, you might want to pick 3 readings as opposed to 2 (something my teacher made us do) and see what that does for you. Feminist isn't a bad angle to look from - note that it's always the gals that force Patrick to do things (Hana wants a story, Alice encourages Patrick to go more left wing - her death also really motivates him to take action, Clara gets him to come up to Buffalo or something etc etc)
Don't be afraid of crossovers with Post-Colonial and Marxist - just makes integration easier
There is also the Narratological/David Eldridge reading, but not sure how well this is covered in most schools. Ooh, there is also Structuralist and Post-Structuralist, but not sure how well these are covered in most schools as well (I glossed over them during Yr 12, only going into more detail with them now at Uni... heehee). They'd be fun readings, as they (inc narratological) look at how meaning is produced through the structure of a text, how it's written and textual integrity etc etc etc.
But if you want simple, I say do pomo and something like post-col/marxist/feminist. The others will be tricky to do unless you know the philosophies/theories pretty well - although likely to be less done in the HSC itself, so if you feel like hopping off to a library...?