Re: Ursula Hall
I posted a nice reply the other day, but it seems to have been lost... bummer, that.
The sum up what I would have said (just imagine better, more thorough, etc

The Ursies reps are funny things. There's two basic reps, that we are the quiet academic college, and that we are totally anti-social funny looking people. One is justified (Ursies consistently gets more HD's per capita than any other ANU college), the other isn't really, though I suspect I know where it comes from.
There are two things to remember when someone from another college says Ursies is anti-social. The first is that Ursies is the smallest, so it means that when we go out, there obviously aren't as many of us out there as there are from other colleges. I mean, if 50% of Ursies goes out, that's 100 people. If 50% of Fenner goes out, that's like 300 people. So Ursies looks like no one has shown up. The other thing is that Ursies has more social events on it's calendar than any other college. We're doing something most days, generally with 2 or 3 big events per week. Our URC (rep counsel) is amazing - I reckon if anyone suggested we need more social events, they'd just ask that person for ideas and have that event happening within a week. I've seen people's suggestions get carried through that quickly. But since there's so much happening at Ursies, when it comes to interhall events, we're all pretty much exhausted from our own stuff, so not that many people go. Sure, there'll be some people at every event, but not that many compared to the other colleges. Hence the rep - they think that just because we don't go to interhall as much, we must be studying all the time. We go out, just not so much with the other colleges. But you can - just because you live at Ursies don't mean you can't go to interhall, it just means you'll be one of about 40, rather than about 80 like the other colleges.
So yeah, Ursies is good. If you want a rep for the sake of a rep, don't come here, we don't have one. If you want to live at the best college at ANU, then come here. Of course, everyone thinks they live in the best college, so I'll probably get my head ripped off for that remark. You'll have a good time wherever you go, so work out which one suits you. Oh, but if you want to eat, come to Ursies. You might survive at Bruce, but at Burgman or Johns your dinner will end up in the bin most nights. Ursies has the best quality food.
I'll just add though, this Little Bruce thing is silly. Yeah, I oppose the shared head of hall like everyone else, though we as ressies got it changed to a shared head of hall and out own dean (atm we have a head and a dean in the one person), but really. We're still Ursies. And if you want to name based on who is the head, why isn't B&G get called New Ursies? Since that's where Keith, our current head, is going. It's not our head who's leaving, it's B&G's.