Hi guys 
Im doing a PIP on the exploitation of international students in the workforce, and i really need some International students to take part in my questionnaire.
I know bos probably doesnt have many, and this is probably a long shot, but im pretty much emailing and sending flyers anywhere i can.
So if youre an international student, or you know someone who is ( friend/relative/neighbour ) could you please let them know if they would be willing to participate in a questionnaire. I really need more respondents! Hopefully I run into some right here
Feel free to just PM me, and i can send the questionnaire through to you 
Thank youuu.
Ps: This might be in the wrong thread category thingy, i wasnt sure where to put it. So feel free to move it to wherever it belongs, sorry.
Im doing a PIP on the exploitation of international students in the workforce, and i really need some International students to take part in my questionnaire.
I know bos probably doesnt have many, and this is probably a long shot, but im pretty much emailing and sending flyers anywhere i can.
So if youre an international student, or you know someone who is ( friend/relative/neighbour ) could you please let them know if they would be willing to participate in a questionnaire. I really need more respondents! Hopefully I run into some right here
Thank youuu.
Ps: This might be in the wrong thread category thingy, i wasnt sure where to put it. So feel free to move it to wherever it belongs, sorry.