dimzi said:
Thats where I think you are wrong. Australia is full of tolerant people, if we werent tolerant, there would have been calls by heaps of people to bring back the White Australia Policy or Integration (I think the latter should be reviewed, actually). The word I think you should have used is accepting. We partly dont accept a lot of Asians due to history, and the way they act. Its unfortunate that if we have one bad experience with one, it tarnishes our view of the entire race. An example would be when they talk in their own language in a train. Now i find this very annoying not to mention disrespectful.
I see it all the time, and I am guilty of it occasionally aswell.
Thats incredibly true. Our country is not an isolated case. I have never been to an Asian country, so I have no idea whether or not they would be accepting of caucasian people. I know for a fact that Japan is one of the most racist governments in the world, with their citizenship requirments. They practically require you to get all of the caucasian part out of you before they issue citizenship, which is generally a couple of generations down the line.
Now on topic, interracial relationships dont bother me. Hell if there was an asian chick I liked, there'd be nothing stopping me. And some greek chicks are fine!
And someone said how asian blokes dont generally go out with aussie chicks, well someone at my school does, but then again you'd think he was a true aussie except by the way he looks (no offence). I also have a good friend like that too, GDAY ERIC! lol
Hahahaha, thanx mate "Stuart" for a great exposure of an asian guy going out with a caucasian chick.
I thought this thread was about interracial relationships, and it sort of turned out to be a clash about racism and prejudice, lol.
I totally agree with interracial relationship, and there is totally nothing wrong with that.
But im sick of racial remarks, and some sad myths about asian guys, totally lame..!!!
But i think the shit that goes around about asian chicks dating caucasian guys, i think its great, good for them for standing up and being individuals. Imagine a world with no indivduals and not standing for wat u believe in such as relationships and being allowed to go out with who ever want.
Sorry u might think im some hard ass wanna be asian gangster, but i aint lol. Im just some typical Australian born Chinese guy, who loves all the typical sports from cricket to AFL and go to piss ups

an not forgetting abut hanging out at the beach!!!
Although i grew up in S/W Sydney suburb of Panania and lived and have lived in the suburb for more than 12 years.
It doesnt mean i never cop any racial remarks, and weird looks from caucasian people while i was growing up(Probably they werent use to having an asian family in the area).
I was like the only asian kid at the school, didnt really bothered me that much. But u learn to deal with that, and im actually proud in living out in S/W Sydney with all caucasian people, than live in a area with totally asian population like Haymarket in the city. i seriously find that caucasian people are really easy going and friendly, which i treasure the good mates i have met.
And dont think that u dont cop any racism from ur cultural background, i get bloody teased from asians, at cadets and tutoring for speaking and acting like an aussie.AND YES i know its totally retarted, but these things do happen, its just a majority of people dont see it. I just dont get it, a majority of people rekon u only get racial remarks from another race, but u do cop one from ur own.
Like all i can say is that im proud to be an Aussie, and there is nothing wrong with that, although it may seem weird having some asian guy speaking English and Cantonese with an Aussie acent... lol , but TOO BAD and learn to deal with it.
SO ALL The WAY WITH INTERRACIAL RELATIONSHIPS !!! and i totally agree with euroasian chicks that are HOT !! lol
If there was any racist mother f*#ckers who read this , go shove it in ur face !!!