evolutionarily speaking interrelationships are the way to go if one is looking to greaten genetic diversity and variation, and in doing so u are increasing that chance of your offspring living on their life and having offspring of their own. having an interelationship and having offspring within it can be advantageous to both parents and their children. many polymorphic triats are gained by each race can be combined into the one offspring enhancing its living standards and bettering quality of life physically (not always emotionally or mentally) the emergence of these polymorphic traists further enhances any clinal gradation and in essense the variation further than a nomal 'racial' relationship
one must relise that by sticking with their own race it is simply similatarious genes being passed from generation to generation, the danger of this is that any mechanism to which the offpsring is susceptible will cause harm, however as in interracial relationships, the fact that two 'gene pools' are mixing and the fact tey are new and variant, clinal gradation is further increased
ofcourse there are other residing factors, i mean advanced understandings in medicine and genetics has allowed for life expectancy and quality of life to be increased, any mechanism can be over come with vaccination, antibiotics etc, any predetermied factors can be masked by gene theraphy etc, we hav come along way
however the inverse is also true that in a minority of cases interrelationships can cause mutations OR the passing of unadventageous triats onto their offspring which for obvious reasons is never a good thing however statistics show this is around the likelyhood of 1/1 million
in essense, interrelationships = more advantageous for ur offspring and recommended

non interrelationships = DEATH!! .. joks
from my own experience i myself am curry (from fiji however)
in all the relationships i hav been in i hav been with an asian or an aussie chick
not that i dont like my own race, i guess its just the fact that in oz (in all seriousness) they are either not good looking which is the least of the worries but whats more is..they are really hard to find, unless u take the effort to travel to liverpool or something
i remember when i went to england and i was blown away by the number of good looking currys...man... i'm moving their next yr aswell

as someone mentioned at the beginning of the thread somewhere as long as the person for me is
good looking
and easy to get along with
i'd go out with em no matter the race, however i think its just becuase in my environment i hav more of other races than my own around which is why i tend to go for aussies/asians etc..
all in all its all good
and remember..... if evolution says its good..then why avoid it