Is Samuel Davis Incompetent? (2 Viewers)


Somewhat Active Member
Mar 24, 2023
Nooooo don't drop ipt, it sucks sometimes but it's genuinely so easy when you understand it. I understand the issue with your teacher, and if you want I can send you the booklets we have been given, which are partially unreliable since they're from 15 years ago and a lot has changed. I can't complain since we have the best teacher literally, but she doesn't let us write notes in class or anything, because IPT is a really concept based subject. Memorisation won't help you to remember everything, you just need a brief understanding + prelims will mainly be case studies and diagrams for IPT so don't stress too much. We only get 4 periods every fortnight for ipt, and have finished all the content around 6 weeks ago, got 0 study days off, and our school still is one of the best in IPT. My revision is A LOT now but it covers everything which I can send (also it has yr12 work, its unfair towards us but our teacher said it'll help towards our HSC so she's just testing us now..) Idk if your schools doing the same and I can also send past papers.
We run on a similar system of 2 ipt lessons per week. My schools sends our prelim results to a stat guy in Sydney to estimate an atar so we don’t get to drop anything for the first 3-4 weeks.

If I’m able to get the marks to get an offer to do extension 2 maths on line 4 (a different class) I will drop that and will keep ipt for at least the first term to see if I can survive and do decently in extension 2. If I’m doing okay then I’ll consider dropping it.

It would be amazing if you could send me the booklets and past papers and stuff. It doesn’t help that my classmates don’t really care about school at all so I end up being the only person who tries in the class which is pretty demotivating. And my teacher doesn’t actually teach us anything, he just tells us to do a few lessons on stile which means everyone just googles everything and never understands the content (me included).


Somewhat Active Member
Mar 24, 2023
I feel like I know what school you go on based off that lol, my friends tell me ab this red head teacher and everyone wants to drop ipt(I acc have no idea wtf im talking ab) Btw how many ppl are in your class and how are you ranked internally? srry if that seems dumb to ask but my average is 98% and my rank is 3/14 and it sucks, which is why I'm hoping to do well in prelims so I can rank up and for some reason it demotivates me when people do better than me but I'm pretty dumb so it makes sense.
I doubt you’d get it. I’m not in a major hub (Sydney, Wollongong, Newcastle) and I don’t have a red head teacher. I have a class of like 20 or something and we handed in our second assessment a few weeks ago but haven’t gotten marks back. Our first assessment was basically a just research report for organising a party or something stupid. I got 61/62 and ranked 1st (not sure of the next closest mark but I think I was top by about 20%) but the only reason I scored well and tried in the task was because it was an escape from the hellish class work.

Don’t think I did amazingly in the second task as it was a group project on the information processes and we got processing. My partner legitimately did not care and passed half the work off to another student who is a friend of his. I could’ve chosen to work by myself which probably would’ve been smarter as I think my average mark will tank. Hoping I’ll still have a progressive ranking of 1st though.

Also, apologies if I’m just repeating myself, if you get a chance in the next couple of days to send over the booklets and past papers that would be fantastic. IPT is my last prelim on the 18th of September and if I can get through any of the work, I’m hoping it’ll help out a bunch.
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Somewhat Active Member
Mar 24, 2023
Has your school done automated systems? Mine has and a lot of other schools have for assessment task 2, since assessment task 1 was a group project were we made our own information system and we had to write a whole report and stuff. The revision may have stuff on automated systems but you’ll be fine I’ll send it soon dw.
All of the topics I can find that we’ve done are: 1. Introduction to information skills and systems, 2. Tools for information processing, 3. Developing information systems (which was just Gantt charts and stuff), 4. Introduction to databases.

I think my teacher tried to follow the syllabus super closely so I don’t think I’ve done automated systems. I think he’ll make our prelim exams compared to the rest of our classes where they are bought if we haven’t been taught the same content as other schools.

my second assessment was making a video and report outlining an information process in the style of a study tool for an ipt student. It sucked and was incredibly boring.

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