So i do maths tutoring with this online tutoring company and i’m unsure if this is just a weird tutor (i switched recently as my last one left) or this is how it usually goes.
So with my last tutor, they would find resources FOR me that helped me learn things, they would go through practice questions and they would check my answer both by looking at the answer and doing it themselves. if i wanted to get ahead, they would also find summaries of the next topic and then do more practice questions. i loved this process. however, with my new tutor, she wants me to bring in any questions i have trouble with and then we’ll go through them and if i come up with an answer she’ll be like “yup, seems right enough..” and doesn’t check it in any way shape or form. sometimes i won’t have any questions to bring and then she’ll just google topics i'm doing atm and literally just read definitions to me. this doesn’t help me at all. but i already tried another tutor before her who did a similar thing so i don’t know if this is what i’m stuck with. i just want my original tutor back but she left tutoring

So with my last tutor, they would find resources FOR me that helped me learn things, they would go through practice questions and they would check my answer both by looking at the answer and doing it themselves. if i wanted to get ahead, they would also find summaries of the next topic and then do more practice questions. i loved this process. however, with my new tutor, she wants me to bring in any questions i have trouble with and then we’ll go through them and if i come up with an answer she’ll be like “yup, seems right enough..” and doesn’t check it in any way shape or form. sometimes i won’t have any questions to bring and then she’ll just google topics i'm doing atm and literally just read definitions to me. this doesn’t help me at all. but i already tried another tutor before her who did a similar thing so i don’t know if this is what i’m stuck with. i just want my original tutor back but she left tutoring