I went to UWS last year..
and now i am at UTS so obviously i thought UTS is better which it is in some cases...
I did Comp Sci at UWS.. there course is to old.. i was learning how to program in MIPS and also Modula2.. which is pretty bloody useless... they do have some good subjects but i think they have to get rid of their old ones.. UWS is harder then UTS i find.. i had more of a challange at UWS thats one of the main things i regret..
Bad things at uws is that there are a lot of dumb low lifes who want to get through uni easy.. and they try to steal your assignments.. and there is a lot of copying/cheating going on..
I sort of enjoyed being able to travel 15min to uni instead of an hour.. but i do beleive the uni's reputation does effect you when you are going for jobs..
I went to UWS last year..
and now i am at UTS so obviously i thought UTS is better which it is in some cases...
I did Comp Sci at UWS.. there course is to old.. i was learning how to program in MIPS and also Modula2.. which is pretty bloody useless... they do have some good subjects but i think they have to get rid of their old ones.. UWS is harder then UTS i find.. i had more of a challange at UWS thats one of the main things i regret..
Bad things at uws is that there are a lot of dumb low lifes who want to get through uni easy.. and they try to steal your assignments.. and there is a lot of copying/cheating going on..
I sort of enjoyed being able to travel 15min to uni instead of an hour.. but i do beleive the uni's reputation does effect you when you are going for jobs..