Jenzipoo, don't defame god, using a little hyphen doesn't exuse it. Just because you're Jewish it doesn't give you the right to believe Israel KILLING innocent lebanese people because of a few 'bad-eggs'. Israel is wrong this time, they're acting completely insane because of a few soldiers losing their lives. The torah doesn't exuse such behavior, Jeudaism doesn't exuse such behaviour and also the UN doesn't.
This is an act of terror on the Lebanese people and it's being led by the Israelis.
Here is a quote I've taken a liking to from mike of London on the BBC Site.
"Israel completely overeacts because 2 men were kidnapped, yet Israel Kidnapped an entire nation!...(Palestine)", as for an immediate stop. That will only be achieved when the Israelis negotiate with hezbollah about a prisoner trade. (Israel still have over 2,000 men, women and children in prisons for alleged crimes against the Israelis).
Unfair, Unjust... This isn't the actions of a sane country. But, the actions of a HYPOCRITICAL, unfair country.
Wheter you believe it or not.quote]
mate your treaidng on thin ice have no right to question my religion or perceptions about G-d, g-d, god, God.
your bad eggs are not few they are plenty and even though they are a minority they act as the majority and the government cant even control them..
please kindly show me in the Torah where it says that "israel does not have a right to defend itself to terror" ^o) your assuming and totally misinterpreting looking for a strong argument which is only making you look more ignorant..your quoting of some person's opinion on a BBC website lacks substance and even accuracy