Israel Palestine conflict (1 Viewer)

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Well-Known Member
May 8, 2021
this is why its dumb to use initiate bombing against Israel

literally not even talking about the morality or who is right or wrong, its just plain dumb
So you support it? Support the oppressors. I really do think hitler would be proud of the Jews rn, true nazis. Just a thought tho 🥰


Le Phénix Trilingue
Aug 22, 2019
Krak des Chevaliers
Uni Grad
So you're saying that the thing that threatens pro-Palestine Syria the most is....muslims. Well done.
If you mean extremists and terrorist organisations such as ISIS, Al-Qaeda, Al Nusra, the Free Syrian Army, the Syrian Democratic Forces and the Muslim Brotherhood (and many more) which, most importantly, were founded and backed by the US, the West, the Arabs and Turkey, then yeah, you're right.

If you mean Muslims in general, then no. Syria has a secular government and its main religions (Christianity, Islam and Judaism) were always able to coexist. We took in Palestinian and Iraqi refugees in the past, most of whom are Muslim, have adapted to the Syrian way of life and are treated the same way a Syrian would.


Aug 17, 2020
Ah yes, classic tactic. If somebody disagrees with you, call them a troll. Cry more you little baby.
you're literally this site's biggest troll, or the closest thing to a troll on here, everyone knows this don't deny it. go back and read some of your own posts from other threads if you don't believe me, maybe the pathetically racist posts to start, like the ones about chinese or indian people or the ones where your inner white supremacist flows out. 30yrs old living on a school forum you can't possibly have any serious business here unless it's to offer tutoring services or to genuinely answer student queries, and since you do neither of these it makes your contributions satirical by default. and there's no tactic I was simply responding to another user's observation about you, so pls calm down


Active Member
Sep 7, 2019
Uni Grad
You're literally defending the oppression and murder of homosexuals for fucks' sake

It’s not wrong, and even if it was, does that mean you justify their oppression and invalidate them??? Just a reminder, Christians are human too.

And Muslims don’t care? You know your problem? It’s that you want to speak on behalf of Muslims when you hate the living shit out of us so obviously you’re not going to say something right. I have a large community of Muslim friends and we raise awareness about other issues too, not just concerning Muslims, so no I don’t need you coming here and telling us what we do and don’t advocate for. The irony is you think I don’t care when you don’t even know me myself, piss off.

Tell me where Christians can’t even enter their own churches tell me. My point is ISLAM doesn’t teach that, and don’t you come and tell me what Islam teaches when you’re literally islamophobic yourself. Islam protects the places of worship of non-Muslims and respects the dignity of their religious symbols. In fact, one of the reasons that the Quran uses to justify fighting is the protection of the freedom of religion, as God says: ”Permission is given to those who are fought against, and God is Able to give them victory. Those who were unjustly evicted from their homes, merely for saying, “Our Lord is God.” Were it not that God repels people by means of others: monasteries, churches, synagogues, and mosques—where the name of God is mentioned much—would have been demolished. God supports whoever supports Him. God is Strong and Mighty. (The Quran, verses 22:39-49)

Homosexuality is forbidden in Islam and therefore it is going to be illegal in Muslim countries ruled by shariah law, are you okay? That’s how law works.

Here we go with women. Do you know the rights islam gave women WAY before feminism was introduced. Tell me the Islamic beliefs that permit that, go ahead. And that article was written in 2006, if you know a little bit about Pakistan, then you’d know they were under a corrupt government for a while, and only recently are they trying to rebuild themselves.

I’m not proving your point either, who said we wouldn’t care if they’re Muslims. Don’t speak on behalf of the Muslim community because you know nothing about whether we raise awareness or not. And from someone who is active in this stuff, let me tell you there are more Muslims raising awareness about issues concerning people from various religions NOT JUST FOR MUSLIMS then even non Muslims so no, I’m not going to take lessons from you.

I didn’t say there are not antisemitic Muslims, just like they come from every religion. What I did say was that it’s NOT BECAUSE OF ISLAM. Some people think Jews and Zionists are the same while we know it’s not. And that link isn’t working for me. Fix it.

I never said it makes it okay, I was just reminding you of your hypocrisy.

Where do we call ourselves Indigenous?? You’re literally making claims against something that isn’t even true. Seems like you don’t even know the difference between Arab and Muslims.

I never said Islam promoted hateful injustice. What’s so hard about something being forbidden. We believe its a test from God, from which one must refrain. Islam doesn’t teach to hate them, even if they’re not Muslims. What’s so hard about them doing their own thing and me doing mine??

The thing is you’re the joke. I never defended it, I said that the rules are given regarding context and time, I never said it’s appropriate considering today’s day and age. Don’t put words in my mouth.

Palestinians are oppressed, the fact that you’re bringing in religion into this, says a lot about yourself. You must be so proud of the atrocities committed, and you want to talk about injustice?? Disgusting. One can not advocate for one aspect of oppression, and hate another. You’re hypocritical.

Show me where the Quran and hadiths state that he owned and traded slaves, and approved of slavery. You’re so brilliant at bringing up this stuff, SHOW ME, PROVE IT. I KNOW my religion, I’m not going to take lessons from you especially when you’re using wiki.

And when it was prohibited, that meant Muslims were not allowed to practice it. Not that the British, who weren’t even Muslim at the time, stopped it too. Use your logicwhen you come and write thick paragraphs, I expect you to use some logic at least.

How can you tell me who my own Prophet is?? You’re making a fool of yourself. You mentioned military, let me tell you, in war, the prisoners, who were treated so justly, were respected. In a Hadith it states, one of the companions was to drink water and the Prophet ordered that the prisoner drinks first to which the prisoner became really shy and refused. And no his main focus was not military conquest,which saw him and his men killing anyone who did not submit to him. It was spreading Islam and this wasn’t done through war or violent measures. Don’t forget Muslims and non Muslims co-existed together in harmony and they could also freely exercise their religion. For example, the Prophets closest Uncle was a non Muslim, he wasn’t killed.

Ironic for you to even say I don’t know what I’m talking about, when you’re here getting false information, and I’m refuting every one of your arguments. So no I’m not ignorant, that word is reserved for you thanks.

He was not a violent warlord, go research war conduct. Oh wait you won’t or if you do, you’ll go use wiki. We’re not even allowed to use force! In Islamic war, fighting on the battlefield must be directed solely against enemy combatants. Civilians and other non- combatants must not be deliberately harmed during the course of hostilities. They also go in accordance with International humanitarian war guidelines; wow big shock for you. Here are Abu Bakrs rules in war: Do not commit treachery or deviate from the right path. You must not mutilate dead bodies. Neither kill a child, nor a woman, nor an aged man. Bring no harm to the trees, nor burn them with fire, especially those which are fruitful. Slay not any of the enemy's flock, save for your food. You are likely to pass by people who have devoted their lives to monastic services; leave them alone. And he didn’t marry a child, firstly there are variations on the age of Aisha, and secondly, given the time and context, girls also matured way earlier.

I didn’t defend the oppression and murder of homosexuals, stop putting words in my mouth. Why do you stick to it so much? I said Islam has rulings, on it, it’s considered a test. So therefore, refrain from this desire and you’ll get massive rewards. It’s not hard to understand.

Anyways, if you think you can write fancy long paragraphs and fool me then you’re wrong. Oh and the false information too. You’re not going to convert me out lmao, you actually made my imaan stronger so thanks! I said it and I’ll say it again, go read the Quran. I’ll happily send you one for free, and I mean it.


Active Member
Sep 7, 2019
Uni Grad
Cold shoulder? You people lose your shit when I prove you wrong
you're obsessed with me
That’s why we rebut you while you use wiki right?? If you thought you proved us wrong, you’re wrong yourself.
Obsessed? Says the one who brings Islam into something that wasn’t even concerned with it.


Well-Known Member
May 8, 2021
you're literally this site's biggest troll, or the closest thing to a troll on here, everyone knows this don't deny it. go back and read some of your own posts from other threads if you don't believe me, maybe the pathetically racist posts to start, like the ones about chinese or indian people or the ones where your inner white supremacist flows out. 30yrs old living on a school forum you can't possibly have any serious business here unless it's to offer tutoring services or to genuinely answer student queries, and since you do neither of these it makes your contributions satirical by default. and there's no tactic I was simply responding to another user's observation about you, so pls calm down
HAHAH im pre sure he's indian, definitely not white. We don't claim him.


Well-Known Member
May 8, 2021

It’s not wrong, and even if it was, does that mean you justify their oppression and invalidate them??? Just a reminder, Christians are human too.

And Muslims don’t care? You know your problem? It’s that you want to speak on behalf of Muslims when you hate the living shit out of us so obviously you’re not going to say something right. I have a large community of Muslim friends and we raise awareness about other issues too, not just concerning Muslims, so no I don’t need you coming here and telling us what we do and don’t advocate for. The irony is you think I don’t care when you don’t even know me myself, piss off.

Tell me where Christians can’t even enter their own churches tell me. My point is ISLAM doesn’t teach that, and don’t you come and tell me what Islam teaches when you’re literally islamophobic yourself. Islam protects the places of worship of non-Muslims and respects the dignity of their religious symbols. In fact, one of the reasons that the Quran uses to justify fighting is the protection of the freedom of religion, as God says: ”Permission is given to those who are fought against, and God is Able to give them victory. Those who were unjustly evicted from their homes, merely for saying, “Our Lord is God.” Were it not that God repels people by means of others: monasteries, churches, synagogues, and mosques—where the name of God is mentioned much—would have been demolished. God supports whoever supports Him. God is Strong and Mighty. (The Quran, verses 22:39-49)

Homosexuality is forbidden in Islam and therefore it is going to be illegal in Muslim countries ruled by shariah law, are you okay? That’s how law works.

Here we go with women. Do you know the rights islam gave women WAY before feminism was introduced. Tell me the Islamic beliefs that permit that, go ahead. And that article was written in 2006, if you know a little bit about Pakistan, then you’d know they were under a corrupt government for a while, and only recently are they trying to rebuild themselves.

I’m not proving your point either, who said we wouldn’t care if they’re Muslims. Don’t speak on behalf of the Muslim community because you know nothing about whether we raise awareness or not. And from someone who is active in this stuff, let me tell you there are more Muslims raising awareness about issues concerning people from various religions NOT JUST FOR MUSLIMS then even non Muslims so no, I’m not going to take lessons from you.

I didn’t say there are not antisemitic Muslims, just like they come from every religion. What I did say was that it’s NOT BECAUSE OF ISLAM. Some people think Jews and Zionists are the same while we know it’s not. And that link isn’t working for me. Fix it.

I never said it makes it okay, I was just reminding you of your hypocrisy.

Where do we call ourselves Indigenous?? You’re literally making claims against something that isn’t even true. Seems like you don’t even know the difference between Arab and Muslims.

I never said Islam promoted hateful injustice. What’s so hard about something being forbidden. We believe its a test from God, from which one must refrain. Islam doesn’t teach to hate them, even if they’re not Muslims. What’s so hard about them doing their own thing and me doing mine??

The thing is you’re the joke. I never defended it, I said that the rules are given regarding context and time, I never said it’s appropriate considering today’s day and age. Don’t put words in my mouth.

Palestinians are oppressed, the fact that you’re bringing in religion into this, says a lot about yourself. You must be so proud of the atrocities committed, and you want to talk about injustice?? Disgusting. One can not advocate for one aspect of oppression, and hate another. You’re hypocritical.

Show me where the Quran and hadiths state that he owned and traded slaves, and approved of slavery. You’re so brilliant at bringing up this stuff, SHOW ME, PROVE IT. I KNOW my religion, I’m not going to take lessons from you especially when you’re using wiki.

And when it was prohibited, that meant Muslims were not allowed to practice it. Not that the British, who weren’t even Muslim at the time, stopped it too. Use your logicwhen you come and write thick paragraphs, I expect you to use some logic at least.

How can you tell me who my own Prophet is?? You’re making a fool of yourself. You mentioned military, let me tell you, in war, the prisoners, who were treated so justly, were respected. In a Hadith it states, one of the companions was to drink water and the Prophet ordered that the prisoner drinks first to which the prisoner became really shy and refused. And no his main focus was not military conquest,which saw him and his men killing anyone who did not submit to him. It was spreading Islam and this wasn’t done through war or violent measures. Don’t forget Muslims and non Muslims co-existed together in harmony and they could also freely exercise their religion. For example, the Prophets closest Uncle was a non Muslim, he wasn’t killed.

Ironic for you to even say I don’t know what I’m talking about, when you’re here getting false information, and I’m refuting every one of your arguments. So no I’m not ignorant, that word is reserved for you thanks.

He was not a violent warlord, go research war conduct. Oh wait you won’t or if you do, you’ll go use wiki. We’re not even allowed to use force! In Islamic war, fighting on the battlefield must be directed solely against enemy combatants. Civilians and other non- combatants must not be deliberately harmed during the course of hostilities. They also go in accordance with International humanitarian war guidelines; wow big shock for you. Here are Abu Bakrs rules in war: Do not commit treachery or deviate from the right path. You must not mutilate dead bodies. Neither kill a child, nor a woman, nor an aged man. Bring no harm to the trees, nor burn them with fire, especially those which are fruitful. Slay not any of the enemy's flock, save for your food. You are likely to pass by people who have devoted their lives to monastic services; leave them alone. And he didn’t marry a child, firstly there are variations on the age of Aisha, and secondly, given the time and context, girls also matured way earlier.

I didn’t defend the oppression and murder of homosexuals, stop putting words in my mouth. Why do you stick to it so much? I said Islam has rulings, on it, it’s considered a test. So therefore, refrain from this desire and you’ll get massive rewards. It’s not hard to understand.

Anyways, if you think you can write fancy long paragraphs and fool me then you’re wrong. Oh and the false information too. You’re not going to convert me out lmao, you actually made my imaan stronger so thanks! I said it and I’ll say it again, go read the Quran. I’ll happily send you one for free, and I mean it.
DAMN 😍😍😍


Aug 17, 2020
HAHAH im pre sure he's indian, definitely not white. We don't claim him.
wait rlly I thought he was white lol

Sylvia can you verify this, the world wants to know

if he's actually indian then yeah we don't claim him, imagine hating and dissing your own kind I'm thoroughly disappointed in you Sylvia, where's the patriotic energy


Well-Known Member
May 8, 2021
LMAO he’s definitely not white or black for sure, idk I just get Indian vybes cos he doesn’t really attack Indian as much, not a bad thing love Indians!
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