Just Stuff about St Marys (2 Viewers)


New Member
Apr 8, 2023
Nah dw, my friend got into st Mary’s while being a straight Cs and Ds student, they look at u as a person based on ur essay, and extracurriculars and yeah a lot of people in my school went to st Mary’s even though they had average results
Thank you for replying


New Member
Apr 8, 2023
You probs will, afaik st marys doesnt have a rigorous application process anymore, my friend who had a similar report to you got in, and so did a lot of people at my school
do you know anyone who didn’t make it


Active Member
Jun 26, 2021
do you know anyone who didn’t make it
Yeah like one girl - she was a really average student in terms of academics, dont think she had many extracurriculars, not really sure why they rejected her srry


Le Phénix Trilingue
Aug 22, 2019
Krak des Chevaliers
Uni Grad
unforgettable said:
Hey guysss, is st marys senior a good school? I'm going next year and I've heard a lot of mixed stuff about it. I've heard most the teachers give work, and you have to do it yourself (asking as someone who asks non stop questions to teachers), and you can leave class without permission and nothing will happen. Can I know about anyones experiences in terms of both academic/social aspects.
St Marys Senior High School works in a slightly different way than other schools. There is an emphasis on a young adult learning environment, giving students added flexibility in terms of their studies. This includes aspects such as calling teachers by their first name, an emphasis on dress code rather than uniform, and the teachers not being too strict on the progress that students make in their studies. More recently, the school has revealed a new policy where mobile phones must be switched off and kept away. The purpose of the policy appears to be maintaining the focus of students on their studies.

SMSHS students are expected to approach their studies more independently, which is somewhat similar to the expectations at university. While you may be provided with work that you have to complete on your own, the teacher is likely to discuss the content/exercises with the class. Further, you can definitely ask teachers questions. The fact that it is an adult learning environment does not necessarily mean that teachers are not ready to answer any questions that you might have.

You cannot leave class without permission. SMSHS takes attendance seriously and chases up students whose attendance falls below a certain level. However, you are able to do whatever you want during free periods, which includes leaving school grounds.

An SMSHS cohort typically constitutes a mix of academically capable students and average or low-performing students. Of the academically capable students, many achieve high ATARs, with at least one student achieving a 99+ ATAR each year. While not to the extent of selective schools, SMSHS fosters high academic achievement, meaning that you can definitely achieve a high ATAR at this school as long as you regularly study and prepare for your subjects.

SMSHS is also relatively lively, with a rather wide range of events as well as clubs and societies that you can join. When coupled with the fact that it is a senior school with a total of ~900 students in year 11 and year 12 only, it can allow you to fully immerse yourself in the social life aspect of the school.

I hope this helps! :D


New Member
May 7, 2022
hellowellohehe said:
hey!! can someone help me for what to write on my st marys senior personal profile, i don't know what else to write and what ive done so far doesn't seem like enough? i really want to go there but i live over 20 mins away. my grades kinda dropped for yr 9 semester 2 (applying for year 11 2025) bc i had an appendectomy and was in like hospital the weeks before my exams so now all my grades are annoying B's except for 1 A in History and a C in PDHPE. extracurricular are just acoustic/electric guitar and ive done swimming, karate, netball and dance before but quit them all except guitar.

can someone tell me what my chance is at getting in? and if there are other things i could add to help my chance? and what the school is like?


Le Phénix Trilingue
Aug 22, 2019
Krak des Chevaliers
Uni Grad
hey!! can someone help me for what to write on my st marys senior personal profile, i don't know what else to write and what ive done so far doesn't seem like enough? i really want to go there but i live over 20 mins away. my grades kinda dropped for yr 9 semester 2 (applying for year 11 2025) bc i had an appendectomy and was in like hospital the weeks before my exams so now all my grades are annoying B's except for 1 A in History and a C in PDHPE. extracurricular are just acoustic/electric guitar and ive done swimming, karate, netball and dance before but quit them all except guitar.

can someone tell me what my chance is at getting in? and if there are other things i could add to help my chance? and what the school is like?
The instructions provided on the application form are usually sufficient and writing your personal profile in a way that directly responds to the main points outlined in the instructions typically results in a good-quality personal profile response. While favourable results essentially guarantee you a spot at SMSHS, you can still be made an offer with slightly lower results, such as in your case. The school primarily emphasises your attitude and commitment to learning as a student, especially since it fosters a young adult learning environment, which is somewhat similar to that of university.

Based on this, your personal profile section should ideally include information such as:
  • A brief description of your character
  • Your academic performance and commitment to learning throughout Stage 5 (including any achievements)
  • Any extracurricular activities that you were or are currently involved in, as well as involvement in your current school and the broader community (if applicable)
  • Your goals beyond year 12 - These can include tertiary education as well as career goals.
In terms of the school itself, it is a large senior school, with approximately 900 students in year 11 and year 12 only (i.e. ~450 in each). This means that you will have many opportunities to make new friends and be immersed in the school environment, which is made easier, thanks to the numerous clubs/societies that the school hosts. The environment is quite relaxed. Teachers are called by their first name, and you can wear whatever you want to school, as long as it matches the dress code. You will only be required to wear the school t-shirt on specific days for school events.

If your goal is to ensure favourable performance, you can definitely do that at SMSHS. There are many high achievers each year, with at least one student achieving a 99+ ATAR per year on average.

I hope this helps! 😄


Sep 7, 2022
smelling cadavers
hellowellohehe said:
should i handwrite, or print out my personal profile for a school im applying to? does one give me a better look? or does it just not matter.

it doesnt specify on the page but i have bad handwriting so idk, but i could just write slow and neat for it since my handwriting isn't the best.
wouldnt print look more professional


Le Phénix Trilingue
Aug 22, 2019
Krak des Chevaliers
Uni Grad
hellowellohehe said:
should i handwrite, or print out my personal profile for a school im applying to? does one give me a better look? or does it just not matter.

it doesnt specify on the page but i have bad handwriting so idk, but i could just write slow and neat for it since my handwriting isn't the best.
Essentially, whether you handwrite or print out your personal profile section is not important. The content and information that you provide in your personal profile section are the elements that you should emphasise. I attended the same school that you are currently applying to. When I submitted my application back in 2017, I handwrote my personal profile. If you are concerned that your handwriting may not be good (which could potentially be disadvantageous in terms of your application), you could perhaps take your time to write slower so that your handwriting is completely legible. Alternatively, you could print your personal profile section. This is an option that I would recommend especially if your response is significantly longer than the space provided. Back when I applied, I did not write beyond the space provided, and so I handwrote my response.

On the other hand, my younger sister who currently attends the school chose to print out her personal profile section. However, this was not related to handwriting. In fact, her handwriting is good and much better than mine. It was because her personal profile section was long, meaning that it would have been more efficient to simply type and then print out her response.

I hope this helps! 😄


Active Member
Jan 20, 2023
hey!! can someone help me for what to write on my st marys senior personal profile, i don't know what else to write and what ive done so far doesn't seem like enough? i really want to go there but i live over 20 mins away. my grades kinda dropped for yr 9 semester 2 (applying for year 11 2025) bc i had an appendectomy and was in like hospital the weeks before my exams so now all my grades are annoying B's except for 1 A in History and a C in PDHPE. extracurricular are just acoustic/electric guitar and ive done swimming, karate, netball and dance before but quit them all except guitar.

can someone tell me what my chance is at getting in? and if there are other things i could add to help my chance? and what the school is like?
howd u goo!!! results came today right?

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