unforgettable said:
Hey guysss, is st marys senior a good school? I'm going next year and I've heard a lot of mixed stuff about it. I've heard most the teachers give work, and you have to do it yourself (asking as someone who asks non stop questions to teachers), and you can leave class without permission and nothing will happen. Can I know about anyones experiences in terms of both academic/social aspects.
St Marys Senior High School works in a slightly different way than other schools. There is an emphasis on a young adult learning environment, giving students added flexibility in terms of their studies. This includes aspects such as calling teachers by their first name, an emphasis on dress code rather than uniform, and the teachers not being too strict on the progress that students make in their studies. More recently, the school has revealed a new policy where mobile phones must be switched off and kept away. The purpose of the policy appears to be maintaining the focus of students on their studies.
SMSHS students are expected to approach their studies more independently, which is somewhat similar to the expectations at university. While you may be provided with work that you have to complete on your own, the teacher is likely to discuss the content/exercises with the class. Further, you can definitely ask teachers questions. The fact that it is an adult learning environment does not necessarily mean that teachers are not ready to answer any questions that you might have.
You cannot leave class without permission. SMSHS takes attendance seriously and chases up students whose attendance falls below a certain level. However, you are able to do whatever you want during free periods, which includes leaving school grounds.
An SMSHS cohort typically constitutes a mix of academically capable students and average or low-performing students. Of the academically capable students, many achieve high ATARs, with at least one student achieving a 99+ ATAR each year. While not to the extent of selective schools, SMSHS fosters high academic achievement, meaning that you can definitely achieve a high ATAR at this school as long as you regularly study and prepare for your subjects.
SMSHS is also relatively lively, with a rather wide range of events as well as clubs and societies that you can join. When coupled with the fact that it is a senior school with a total of ~900 students in year 11 and year 12 only, it can allow you to fully immerse yourself in the social life aspect of the school.
I hope this helps!