Well, I made an argument which explained what I wanted to say and then "Flash" it asked me to sign in and then the rest is history.
Basically here is what i said;
Social Democracy = Idealistic.
Theoretically = Social Democracy is Strong
Practically = Social Democracy is weak (depends on the countries policies)
Examples of unsuccesful countries with a Social Democratic Government;
Great Britain
Ireland = Low GPA, Bad Living Conditions, High Crime Rate.
Great Britain = Borderline GPA, Moderate Living Conditions, High Crime Rate.
(Poverty = High = 25% Of all Britain have bad living conditions)
ie; 13 Million People with; Poor living conditions; lack of heat, clothing, food and adequate education.
Examples Succesful Countries with a Social Democratic Government;
Switzerland = High GPA, Good Living Conditions, Low Crime Rate.
Poverty = Almost Non Existant.
(Mainly because of its strong policies).
Australia = Moderate GPA, Good Living Conditions, Low Crime Rate.
Poverty = 11% (This isn't even a measure of true poverty; just a measure of "Relative Income"; these people usually have benefits. Such as public housing and pensioner benefits. Which means they have
similar living conditions.
In conclusion.
Australia has a strong government. A change to ALP would cripple large corporations; Such as "woolworths" and "franklins". Which provide fair & affordable prices.
Therefore, although the ALP would provide some sort of benefits to people of low Socio-economic status.
There will still people the problems which made it difficult for these people to aquire means. Eg; Physical Disability, Mental Disability, Single Mothers, Etc;
And therefore the overall cost of Living would increase; Which Inversely means the people of low Socio-Economic Status would be discriminated against.
See I know that if I needed to... in absolute poverty had to support myself and two others. I could get the basic necessities needed to survive from woolworths for about $100 a week.
(I hope this made sense to some; the point im trying to make is that a socialist democratic government can be beneficial in some cases. However it inversely discriminates by taking funding out of things such as "education" and "healtcare" indirectly).
Theoretically here is what a socialist democratic government should do; according to SI.
Firstly, freedom - not only individual liberties, but also freedom from discrimination and freedom from dependence on either the owners of the means of production or the holders of abusive political power. Secondly, equality and social justice - not only before the law but also economic and socio-cultural equality as well, and equal opportunities for all including those with physical, mental, or social disabilities. Finally, solidarity - unity and a sense of compassion for the victims of injustice and inequality
Tell me exactly how; within the ALP's policies they are going to achieve that?
(Socialism, Democratic Socialism and Social Democracy; are all the same in that. They all only work theoretically, unless they have STRONG policies and a well thought out budget. Perhaps the only person who could have pulled it off was Keating, and even he took money out of education and healthcare....
The ALP indirectly contradicts its statements through its policies...)