right.....just going to ignore this argument going on......
I'm lacking motivation also atm...I started the year so determined and I was like I'm going to get 90%+ in everything, I'm going to do good in science this year (I hated science but realized I needed it to pursue a career with animals). Anyway, later down the track........I haven't learned a damn thing about biology, partially because my teacher sucks but then I also don't have the motivation to self-study so I've just decided to accept my failure because I frankly do not understand how an animal can do osmosis, or even what osmosis is...I don't get it. So I'm failing biology.
So far, I am failing:
- Biology
- Legal Studies
- English Advanced (as immature as it sounds...my teacher sucked...luckily we have a new one now who doesn't discuss grass for half an hour when we're meant to be studying the American Dream, which is ridiculous enough already as we're in bloody Australia...so hopefully I should pass.)
And yes, I did try...I'm just not trying now because even with my best effort, I'm failing so I feel like whats the point? I'm only doing well in Drama and S&C, and work studies you don't really have to do anything so I'm passing that as well.
So needless to say, I've screwed up this year by choosing subjects I hate and there's no point in trying to fix it so I'm going to have to stay another year in school and do subjects I'm actually good at (dance, gen maths, community and fam, religion, modern history etc).
I'll have to accept the fact the closest I'll ever get to working with animals is as an animal attendant, which is fine its a fun job even though I will not be able to afford anything and live off my parents like a bum for the rest of my life because all the high-paying jobs require science which I suck at....HORRAH FAILURE!

*takes a deep breath* Sorry, I'll go to a corner and count to ten now. But I can't even pursue drama, which is my other passion as a career and live a comfortable life off it....LIFE SUCKS! =/