whatashotbyseve said:
Pffft... I am speaking from my experience. Either you are in denial/so desensitised to it or fortunate to have a stable Windows PC.
Seriously dude, it's not hard to keep your computer running. Run a clean up program once a month, have the computer (automatically) run a virus check every late friday night, maybe if you need to, run a regcleaner with the cleanup program, and just keep it tidy.
If you can't do these minimum effort tasks, you are the ultimate in lazy and don't deserve to own a computer.
This PC I am on now has been running every day for the last year, with NOT ONE crash.
All my Windows problems have been ones I have created myself (Oops).
EDIT: How could I be in denial/de-sensitised to it when I use a Mac for college? And have an iMac in my bedroom? Shouldn't that make this PC and my HP notebook look really bad? Shouldn't I have shunned Windows aside by now, like yourself?