you know what, i was in the EXACT same situation as you mid to late last year. like EXACT, especially the bolded parts. but because i was still in year 12 at the time, everyone kinda had their own little groups so it was kinda hard to make good friends. these two girls who were my "best" friends started to become friends with another crowd, and started doggin me all the time. during holidays they were "too busy" with schoolwork or catching up with eachother to see me. they were all like "dw we will hang out after the hsc hehe

what happened after the hsc? we went to schoolies, and thats about it. they were STILL always too busy for me, so you know what i did? i thought "fuck these cunts, im always making an effort to talk to them and arrange time to hang out with THEM, if theyre my real friends they will make an effort to talk to me"
ever since i decided that back in december, havent spoken to them since. my summer holidays were pretty miserable, i was pretty depressed. but then i had another girl who i was friends with in highschool, and i had a chat with her one day and found out that she was in the exact same situation as me. so we arranged to hang out, and talked about it, and yeah summer was a little bit better with her around. i still speak to her sometimes, actually went to her birthday party last night

she is like me and has few friends and was in my situation, and shes not socially awkward at all, shes a great person. also now that im in uni, ive made a pretty close uni friend, and ive become heaps close with an old friend who also went to my highschool (but we werent really good friends last year, but this year we go to the same uni so yeah) so i have those close three girls now at least. i also have a boyfriend now so yeah

going out almost everyday these holidays.
if i were you, if u still have people from school who u were kinda friends with, but weren't in that group of dogging cunts, then id have a chat with them, maybe catch up for a movie or something. try strengthening ur relationship with them. also if you go to uni or tafe now, MAKE NEW FRIENDS THERE, seriously its the best thing you can do, dont be shy, make an effort, and i guarantee you will make at least one good friend
good luck, and dont forget ur not the only one in this situation, i was in it too for the latter half of last year and beginning of this year.