If anyone has, or could provide me with the 2013 WESSSTA past papers (with answers if possible!, if not thats fine
) it would be much appreciated. I know that the 2012 one is on the past paper thread, but I need the 2013 one.
If you could provide it to me i'm happy to give my schools 2014 trial (when completed), half yearly and term 1 exam, or a range of other local schools trial and half yearlys which we have been given. You can even have my full notes on marketing, finance, HR and qantas case study (havent done operations yet) if you so desire.
ps: if you are a member to WeSSSTA you can sign in here and retrieve the paper; http://wesssta.ning.com/main/authorization/signIn?target=http://wesssta.ning.com/
If anyone has, or could provide me with the 2013 WESSSTA past papers (with answers if possible!, if not thats fine
If you could provide it to me i'm happy to give my schools 2014 trial (when completed), half yearly and term 1 exam, or a range of other local schools trial and half yearlys which we have been given. You can even have my full notes on marketing, finance, HR and qantas case study (havent done operations yet) if you so desire.
ps: if you are a member to WeSSSTA you can sign in here and retrieve the paper; http://wesssta.ning.com/main/authorization/signIn?target=http://wesssta.ning.com/
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