Losing interest in my BOW over the holidays (1 Viewer)


Well-Known Member
Jan 11, 2021
Hi all, I really need some advice right now. Basically over term 4 I worked out my concept and everything, it originally involved photography/landscapes but I've found that over the holidays my interest for it really died down. I willingly picked something that i didn't draw/do much in my free time to keep schoolwork & freetime seperate if that makes sense, & at first doing landscapes & photography for my BOW genuinely did excite me. But right now I honestly don't feel excited about those things & I just feel sort of disconnected from the concept. I really want to try exploring other concepts, but term 4 was supposed to be the deadline for that and now i feel like im stuck and i have to keep going with a concept i don't really feel excited for anymore. Has anyone else changed their concept after the holidays? Would it be too late to start working on something entirely different in term 1? I have mailed my teacher about this by the way, I'm currently waiting on a response.


Jun 21, 2019
Hi all, I really need some advice right now. Basically over term 4 I worked out my concept and everything, it originally involved photography/landscapes but I've found that over the holidays my interest for it really died down. I willingly picked something that i didn't draw/do much in my free time to keep schoolwork & freetime seperate if that makes sense, & at first doing landscapes & photography for my BOW genuinely did excite me. But right now I honestly don't feel excited about those things & I just feel sort of disconnected from the concept. I really want to try exploring other concepts, but term 4 was supposed to be the deadline for that and now i feel like im stuck and i have to keep going with a concept i don't really feel excited for anymore. Has anyone else changed their concept after the holidays? Would it be too late to start working on something entirely different in term 1? I have mailed my teacher about this by the way, I'm currently waiting on a response.
I don't do visual arts so I can only offer general advice, If I may offer 2 suggestions:
  • As it is the holidays right now although I understand that Term 4 was your deadline I would suggest coming to school in Term 1 with a fresh idea and do a lot of planning over the rest of the holidays as to different concepts you want to explore. Figure out one particular concept that you like (and make sure of it), have a great, thoroughly thought out plan ready to go and I'd highly suggest presenting this to your teacher when you get back, or as you've done through your email. If your teacher doesn't necessarily agree at first I'd point out your demotivation towards your original idea and give reasons as to why you want to go with the new one. I'm sure if your reasoning is strong enough you should be able to go ahead with it.
  • Alternatively, if the deadline was strictly term 4 and you cannot change your idea there's only one thing I could really suggest, well besides unfortunately having to deal with it hahaha. I'd try and find appreciation in your idea to motivate you more. I mean when you think about it, what originally sparked your idea of landscapes and why did you find it interesting? Delving deeper into the origin of your interest in landscapes or the different styles landscapes can have etc. could possibly pique your interest? Something like this has worked for me personally, since I play piano and sometimes I've been demotivated to continue learning a classical piece for example, I'd listen to classical music and eventually I'd become more motivated to finish because I want to be able to play as well as what I've heard. Works for me, dunno if it'll work for you but worth a try I suppose.

That's all the advice I can give really, sorry for not being overly helpful with specific visual arts advice but I hope that the advice would somewhat come in handy


Well-Known Member
Jan 11, 2021
I don't do visual arts so I can only offer general advice, If I may offer 2 suggestions:
  • As it is the holidays right now although I understand that Term 4 was your deadline I would suggest coming to school in Term 1 with a fresh idea and do a lot of planning over the rest of the holidays as to different concepts you want to explore. Figure out one particular concept that you like (and make sure of it), have a great, thoroughly thought out plan ready to go and I'd highly suggest presenting this to your teacher when you get back, or as you've done through your email. If your teacher doesn't necessarily agree at first I'd point out your demotivation towards your original idea and give reasons as to why you want to go with the new one. I'm sure if your reasoning is strong enough you should be able to go ahead with it.
  • Alternatively, if the deadline was strictly term 4 and you cannot change your idea there's only one thing I could really suggest, well besides unfortunately having to deal with it hahaha. I'd try and find appreciation in your idea to motivate you more. I mean when you think about it, what originally sparked your idea of landscapes and why did you find it interesting? Delving deeper into the origin of your interest in landscapes or the different styles landscapes can have etc. could possibly pique your interest? Something like this has worked for me personally, since I play piano and sometimes I've been demotivated to continue learning a classical piece for example, I'd listen to classical music and eventually I'd become more motivated to finish because I want to be able to play as well as what I've heard. Works for me, dunno if it'll work for you but worth a try I suppose.

That's all the advice I can give really, sorry for not being overly helpful with specific visual arts advice but I hope that the advice would somewhat come in handy
I tried doing some brainstorming today and came up with a few different concepts, but I don’t know if i’d truly enjoy drawing any of them. It feels like as long as it’s for school it’s going to feel like a chore, so I don’t know how to over come that. I regret picking visual arts honestly but i can’t drop because im already on 10 units..


Jun 21, 2019
I tried doing some brainstorming today and came up with a few different concepts, but I don’t know if i’d truly enjoy drawing any of them. It feels like as long as it’s for school it’s going to feel like a chore, so I don’t know how to over come that. I regret picking visual arts honestly but i can’t drop because im already on 10 units..
Ah I can’t really help you with the unit situation unfortunately, but in terms of overcoming it you'll just have to somehow find enjoyment in doing art. As it is one of your subjects I wouldn't suggest putting it on the side since at the end of the day it will count towards the ATAR. Bit cliche but I suppose there'll always be things in life that we get ourselves stuck in and there's no easy solution or no simple way out, and the whole part of finding the solution is to figure out a plan to assist in finding the solution. That's kinda what you're in right now, and you just have to find some driving force which will over time make you more passionate to want to do art or at least attend classes with a positive mindset over a whole bunch of thoughts along the lines of "Oh well I'll be out of this in a year so what's the bother" for example (not saying you think like that dw).

I'll list a personal example of mine here as well so you can relate if need be. In Year 11, I had to do Physics even though I initially didn't want to do it. Subject algorithm didn't work in my favor and so I had a choice between a whole bunch of humanities or physics, so of course I chose physics as I'm a mathsy person. Turned out that although physics was a bit of maths there was a whole lot of theory which I hated, and I truly absolutely thought that I was not going to make it throughout prelim physics. At some point, I kinda had a thought about how I can come into physics classes feeling slightly more excited and ready to work in class (kinda bludged most of the year), and so I found that "solution", the reason why I came into physics towards the end feeling slightly happier was because I always looked forward to the maths aspects of the course and that helped alleviate thoughts I was having about not being able to make it through Year 11 Physics. Even though I failed the course in the end because I left the exam 30 min in hahahaha

Point is although I understand that VA actually counts for you and you're in a much worse situation, you just have to find something as simple as one aspect to look forward to, whether that'd be for coursework or for your assessment so that you're not coming into class everyday feeling as if the subject is a "chore".

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