ok theres more politics of the hatch, wth hurley not liking the fact that he has to be in charge of all the food, inventory it, make sure NO-one gets any till he decides how to ration it etc. then charlie cracks a skitz cos he wouldnt give him peanut butter to give to claire.
cue to flashback of how he won the lottery. after he wins (but hasnt claimed yet) hes at work with friend, that skinny guy from 'the new guy', and he got busted eating company food (fried chicken of course) so then he quits (cos he just won $$$)
his friend also quits..
ok.. sawyer etc get lifted (nicely) out of cage thingy, big black guy is apologetic, they are no longer hostile cos they beleive theyre from the plane. ana lucia still giving a lotta lip to sawyer, lol he calls her "rambina" or something similar (female version of rambo) bahaha
ok somewhere along the way, it shows claire walking on beach, she finds the bottle with the messages in it that raft ppls took with them..
hurley again they go galavanting around having fun, they go to record store and hehe see 'driveshaft' cd in $2 bin, calls them 'suckshaft' or something else derogatory

, then he asks out hot chick friend who works there, cos he wanted to do it before she knew he has $$, then hurley says at the end (to skinny guy friend) 'dude i never want us to change' etc, the way theyre having fun. they hapen to be near where he bought the ticket, hes identified, news crews blaring, and dear skinny friend looks mortified.
sawyer etc talking to tail survivors, a blonde chick says there were 23 of them that survived the crash.. when they get to their hideout (hatch type thingy) there is much less than 23 ppl there :s (taken by others? disease??)
and of course bernard id's himself asks about his wife etc etc happy happy joy joy
back to the hatch, jack/sayid are exploring the space underneath the hatch, come across more soild concrete, sayid say the last time something was covered up in 10m thick was chernobyl...

then they hear funny noises, jack pops up to investigate--sees kate exiting shower (in towel..), they flirt etc.. (she took shampoo off hurley before, not nice)
so then hurley decides that theres only enough food to feed one guy for 3 months, no good in rationing it, so they all have a feast at the beach for one night.
re: the meessages in the bottle, claire and shannon go to sun, and say they dont know what to do with it, let it be in her hands.. and at the end, we see her frantically burying it...

so sad