Manipulative best friends (1 Viewer)


Feb 19, 2006
JFK said:
Um the one wasting yr time, i post stupid insults you reply with 20 line posts.


yr getting trolled

go back and play in the shallow end, kid.
Yawn. I enjoy this. You see, I'm employed and a student of the university, so I've got nothing to do. I'm also no longer drink so I'm not going to drink. Besides, this is rather entertaining.

^CoSMic DoRiS^^

makes the woosh noises
Jan 13, 2005
middle of nowhere
Miles Edgeworth said:
Life's about fun, you really shouldn't manipulate or use people.

in fact it openly disgusts me that people like you exist.

You should be bloody ashamed of yourself.
@ davriel: he was right. and you just opened yourself right up for an e-bashing with your long winded comebacks. shut up and lets get back on topic for the threadstarter, k? run along now.


Aug 17, 2006
yeah i got people like that.

Except that now i don't really consider them "friends" and plan on completely changing all forms of contact with them in 2 years times :)


Twisted firestarter
Jun 26, 2005
Sydney University Village
RabbitRabbit said:
I've seen this happening repeatedly between two people who formed a close relationship of 10+ years, where A treats B like shit but B covers it with denial and tolerates it, so as not to jeopardize their friendship. In this situation I would normally think B is an idiot for putting up with this, and I would try to convince her, "Ditch A, you deserve better than the shit she throws at you".

But having this happen to me was like a slap of reality. I simply can't take my own advice. I met my bestfriend when we were 8 years old. We went to primary and high school together and she lives a 2 minutes walk from my house. Since going to Uni, we havnt seen for a while but over past year I've noticed her apathetic approach to people around her. Our conversations have then fallen from hollow with empty smiles to effortless with no meaning. When she is bored, she would drop by my house, rummage through things. At this point, I will ignore her and she would get irritated with me. And it would be me who would finally need to reconcile the 'problem'. Most of our 'arguments' or rather her tantrums would be similar to this. Like 'B' in my first scenario, I've fallen in the same sort of denial that we're still like kids, and that nothing has really changed. Regrettably, the truth is everything but.

I hate her to some extent for making me feel so responsible for her moods and not putting enough effort in, when mutual respect has disintegrated. I now realize now how difficult it is to end a friendship with so much past and memories attatched to it. Having grown accustomed to her being around, she is almost like a sister to me. I still think denial and persistence seems an easier option that confrontation and if not more pain.
Can anyone share their experiences so I can feel less crap right now?
The best thing to do is just be strong.

See, I myself am a master manipulator. Have been since I was 2 years old actually. It's an art, a skill that only a select few acquire in their lifetime. Survival of the fittest my friend. Myself and other amazing people around the world who have learnt the art of manipulation are the fittest and we are the ones who will survive.

We are the leaders of this society. The rest, they are there to serve us and allow us to improve on society with our amazing skills.

I do not know why but I do not feel remorse when I manipulate others. I must be a passive agressive sociopath with bi-polar, another awesome amazing skill that is worth bragging about

When I was 2 years old I was already at level 3 manipulation (in layman's terms - I was very good for someone my age). Last I checked on the manipumeter (those who are to give birth to children who are able to learn the skill are given a manipumeter which measures manipulation power as they grow older) I was level 24. Not bad for a 19 year old.

I am quite interested in finding out what level Davriel is at? Davriel would you be so kind as to PM me with your level and what brand of manipumeter you used. Also where were you born? Was it the "Hospital for giving birth to children who are better than other children at manipulating people" or "Westmead hospital"?? I do not expect the other posters in this thread to be aware of the former hospital as it is located in a special province which is only accessible to those with this amazing skill. We have to manipulate the guard who patrols the gates in order to get the key. And then manipulate the lock with the key to open it. And then manipulate the villagers to give us head because we possess this unique, amazing skill.

So yes, I am really great and stuff. Once when I was 4.3 I manipulated my mum into buying a dog and a telephone. I then manipulated the dog to lick peanut butter off my balls. Used the telephone to ring up the police department and manipulated them to go on a shooting rampage.

So yeah guys, who wants to touch me.

Davriel you are a shit person and you will fail in life. See the air in front of you? (Of course you can see it, your above us and have awesome special powers like manipulation level 900 and super awesome vision) Yeah, I want you to stop breathing that air in, and any other air you see. Do it until your face turns blue and you die. Kthnxbai :wave:
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Premium Member
Jul 14, 2004
JFK said:
Davriel is a massive shitfuck, he sounds like Argonaut's sped kid brother let out of the cage for dinner.
So you'd say today was the day he finally "got this"?

chelsea girl

everybody knows
Oct 12, 2006
hiphophooray123 said:
The best thing to do is just be strong.

See, I myself am a master manipulator. Have been since I was 2 years old actually. It's an art, a skill that only a select few acquire in their lifetime. Survival of the fittest my friend. Myself and other amazing people around the world who have learnt the art of manipulation are the fittest and we are the ones who will survive.

We are the leaders of this society. The rest, they are there to serve us and allow us to improve on society with our amazing skills.

I do not know why but I do not feel remorse when I manipulate others. I must be a passive agressive sociopath with bi-polar, another awesome amazing skill that is worth bragging about

When I was 2 years old I was already at level 3 manipulation (in layman's terms - I was very good for someone my age). Last I checked on the manipumeter (those who are to give birth to children who are able to learn the skill are given a manipumeter which measures manipulation power as they grow older) I was level 24. Not bad for a 19 year old.

I am quite interested in finding out what level Davriel is at? Davriel would you be so kind as to PM me with your level and what brand of manipumeter you used. Also where were you born? Was it the "Hospital for giving birth to children who are better than other children at manipulating people" or "Westmead hospital"?? I do not expect the other posters in this thread to be aware of the former hospital as it is located in a special province which is only accessible to those with this amazing skill. We have to manipulate the guard who patrols the gates in order to get the key. And then manipulate the lock with the key to open it. And then manipulate the villagers to give us head because we possess this unique, amazing skill.

So yes, I am really great and stuff. Once when I was 4.3 I manipulated my mum into buying a dog and a telephone. I then manipulated the dog to lick peanut butter off my balls. Used the telephone to ring up the police department and manipulated them to go on a shooting rampage.

So yeah guys, who wants to touch me.

Davriel you are a shit person and you will fail in life. See the air in front of you? (Of course you can see it, your above us and have awesome special powers like manipulation level 900 and super awesome vision) Yeah, I want you to stop breathing that air in, and any other air you see. Do it until your face turns blue and you die. Kthnxbai :wave:
omg best post. <3


Feb 19, 2006
^CoSMic DoRiS^^ said:
@ davriel: he was right. and you just opened yourself right up for an e-bashing with your long winded comebacks. shut up and lets get back on topic for the threadstarter, k? run along now.
Meh, e-bashing is kinda fun. You see, you get these punks (like JFK) who simply think that because I can't see their face or identity they can go around insulting me, as they have no restrictions. Actually, I like baiting them. You see, manipulation is a game*, and I like having the dog chase an imaginary stick. Oh, and about my long winded comebacks, if people don't like what I say or how I say it then don't read it, I don't have a gun to your head do I?

*That could be why some people manipulate their best friends you know, for the love of the game and the sadistic enjoyment it brings them.


Active Member
Jan 5, 2006
In the smile of every child.
hiphophooray123 said:
The best thing to do is just be strong.

See, I myself am a master manipulator. Have been since I was 2 years old actually. It's an art, a skill that only a select few acquire in their lifetime. Survival of the fittest my friend. Myself and other amazing people around the world who have learnt the art of manipulation are the fittest and we are the ones who will survive.

We are the leaders of this society. The rest, they are there to serve us and allow us to improve on society with our amazing skills.

I do not know why but I do not feel remorse when I manipulate others. I must be a passive agressive sociopath with bi-polar, another awesome amazing skill that is worth bragging about

When I was 2 years old I was already at level 3 manipulation (in layman's terms - I was very good for someone my age). Last I checked on the manipumeter (those who are to give birth to children who are able to learn the skill are given a manipumeter which measures manipulation power as they grow older) I was level 24. Not bad for a 19 year old.

I am quite interested in finding out what level Davriel is at? Davriel would you be so kind as to PM me with your level and what brand of manipumeter you used. Also where were you born? Was it the "Hospital for giving birth to children who are better than other children at manipulating people" or "Westmead hospital"?? I do not expect the other posters in this thread to be aware of the former hospital as it is located in a special province which is only accessible to those with this amazing skill. We have to manipulate the guard who patrols the gates in order to get the key. And then manipulate the lock with the key to open it. And then manipulate the villagers to give us head because we possess this unique, amazing skill.

So yes, I am really great and stuff. Once when I was 4.3 I manipulated my mum into buying a dog and a telephone. I then manipulated the dog to lick peanut butter off my balls. Used the telephone to ring up the police department and manipulated them to go on a shooting rampage.

So yeah guys, who wants to touch me.

Davriel you are a shit person and you will fail in life. See the air in front of you? (Of course you can see it, your above us and have awesome special powers like manipulation level 900 and super awesome vision) Yeah, I want you to stop breathing that air in, and any other air you see. Do it until your face turns blue and you die. Kthnxbai :wave:
lmao :)


Feb 19, 2006
Bookie said:
youre not manipulatng anyone you tool.

fark, you live in maitland for gods sake.
Maitland's an awesome place...we got.......dang, nothing. Don't think insulting the place I live will get me riled up, as I share you're opinion of the place. Now our next door neighbour, Newcastle, well, that's the place to be. Actually, just the beach is.


Jan 7, 2007
Well only yesterday I came to the stunning realisation that one of the very very close friends really couldn't hive even half a rats arse about me.

So I asked her to come with me to the Hottest 100 party in Hyde Park, or just go beaching or something as we had a whole weekend to kill... she stupidly replied:

Oh. Is that what you were talking about.

Um. I'm good I think. Going to the beach w/ (stupid "exclusive wanker cult" *edited as don't want to mention club* ) ppl in sydney then going out that night je crois. You have fun tho.

I mean it's pretty obvious we haven't been close in a fair while, but it just shat me to all hell that atleast I was being polite where as she just gave me the kind of ill considered excuse I'd give to someone that I'd rather drink a bucket of month old goats piss than hang out with.

I desperately want to tell her what an inconsiderate, cold, manipulative bitch she is being... but there's too much of a past there.
And what if I'm wrong?
When I go off at people I often say very hutful things that make friendships irreconcilable, i can't help it, i ALWAYS go too far.

*sigh* It's not like i NEED her, i was invited to do things on Australia day with friends who i don't consider as 'close' (funny innit?) but atleast I threw the offer out there and made an effort, she didn't eventhink of asking me.

But I guess i DO manipulate my 'good old friends' as well...

ok, i get into trouble alot, petty little things, but im always getting my self in tangles. Whenever i need help I can go to my old friends, and theyre used to it. Where as my new friends would stare at me solidly and go "what the fuck is wrong with you!?" (or so i predict they would).

I'm kind of .. fragile I guess, and when someone hurts me it kindof ends up erasing all the good stuff they've ever done for me, and i get scared of trusting them again.

with that one email from her our friendship is pretty much dead for the time being. I can't see my self talking to her again for a long long time if ever.

It kills.

Ohhhhh what a horrible rant, *swallows pride* BUT I HAVE NO FRIENDS I CAN RANT TO ANYMORE! grr.


Feb 19, 2006
Miles Edgeworth said:
Just rant about it. Just don't give a shit about it. harden the fuck up, suck it up and go meet some new people.

Problem fucking solved.
A very wise solution.


Feb 6, 2007
Davriel said:
Miles, I may not like you, but I respect you. But right now I'm too busy making this pathetic JFK waste her time trying to insult me. Oh, and Katykins, please, I don't know you and I like to think that some people know better than to stay out of arguments they're not invited to.

hahahhhaahhah, u think u r a biggest manipulator , hahahhhahah:rofl: , i think u r the biggest wanker with big mouth but intelligent i will give u credit for that.:D


New Member
Mar 10, 2006
Somewheeeere, over the rainbow ...
Well, all this e-bashing is all very well and good (BTW, Davriel, I've had much fun reading your weird and wacky little digs at JFK, it's cracked me up - I just LOVE wasting an afternoon reading the manipulative talents of others - *not sarcasm*)

Anyway, back to the soo obviously all-important point of this thread (I think I've actually read perhaps a whole three stories of manipulative friends); it happens.

Like, people suck (trust me), and they enjoy manipulating people *just because* - It IS true that there are some real fuckers out there, including your alleged ex-best friend. Anyway, it's cool. Deal. I realise that it like totally sucks because you feel totally beaten, etc. but like don't dwell on it - it'll only make you stronger* for getting over it ...

* For lack of a better word!

Originally Posted by Miles Edgeworth
Just rant about it. Just don't give a shit about it. harden the fuck up, suck it up and go meet some new people.

Problem fucking solved.

Listen to this guy, he ostensibly knows what's what! LoL

PPS) Don't you just LOVE random *BIG* words!! Funny (Oh dear, I crack myself up!) :rofl:
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Feb 19, 2006
(Opens Bos forum...) What? I'm still being e-bashed? Yawn...Well, I'll all the nice little children something. I'm bored and have better things to do, and also, I stopped caring about this thread some time ago, so you've just wasted your time.

Fish Sauce

Active Member
Feb 11, 2007
Davriel said:
(Opens Bos forum...) What? I'm still being e-bashed? Yawn...Well, I'll all the nice little children something. I'm bored and have better things to do, and also, I stopped caring about this thread some time ago, so you've just wasted your time.
Ah, ya tool.

Let's see if he replies!


Feb 6, 2007
Fish Sauce said:
Ah, ya tool.

Let's see if he replies!

lol, , lets just say if he is smart and intelligent he will question and challenge wht we think of him and try to convince us that he is actually a resonable person and biggest manipulator , but if he doesn't, he is the biggest jackass, idiot , wanker , fucktard , reatard.


New Member
Mar 10, 2006
Somewheeeere, over the rainbow ...
Davriel said:
(Opens Bos forum...) What? I'm still being e-bashed? Yawn...Well, I'll all the nice little children something. I'm bored and have better things to do, and also, I stopped caring about this thread some time ago, so you've just wasted your time.
Uh, in case you haven't noticed, I actually SAID that I was wasting time, so woopdy-fuckin-do ... and I mean, if you DID actually stop caring about this thread "some time ago" then why are you still haunting it's passages? HUH?

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