Re: Math help (Because Carrot made me do this)

I can factorise though.
I did do that. Look at the first step.Basically your meant to sub in -x wherever the x is.
I can't tell whether this is a rhetorical question or not butNo.
TBH, I think the problem lies in your basic factorisation skills. Because you may not have had a good start to factorisation, maybe you only rote learned it in your early years, you seem to just miss out on the factorisation step. The issue won't be resolved if your basic, core knowledge and skills aren't there. Otherwise, you'd just be rote learning, which won't help you in the exam.
Can you factorise the following expression by taking out -1 as a factor?:
I can factorise though.
I understood your paragraph but how can you determine whether the top and bottom are even/odd?think of it this way
treat "ODD" like it's a negative number and "EVEN" like it's positive
say a negative number divided by a negative number is positive, right? So an odd function divided by an odd function is EVEN (e.g.
similarly an even function divided by an even function is EVEN (positive divided by positive is still positive e.g.
and an odd function divided by an even function, or an even function divided by an odd function is always ODD (e.g.
so what does a positive number plus a negative number equal to? Well we have no clue, since it can be anything, therefore this doesn't work for adding/substracting odd and even functions (only multiply/dividing)
I guess you can use this to check your answers (if you can quickly determine whether the top and bottom are even/odd, it helps if you can visualise them separately)