I concur, let me elaborate.laurasia said:absolutely rubbish!!!
From the time we installed the Computer Tutor to now, I rate the whole thing as appalling.
Next time you see a Sales Representative from the Australian Institute of Mathematics, ignore them immediately and do not allow a consultation or home presentation.
They also devised something which I can consider marketing tricks or most blatantly a scam, let me elaborate.
They give every children in your household a short test on Mathematics one grade below them. e.g. If you are in Year 10 they give you a 'Year 9' test, if you are in Year 2 they give you a 'Year 1' test.
The trigonometry at their so-called 'Year 9 level' test seem trivial or something you have never seen.
You will also notice why the little ones are doing better than the older ones.
Then the representative and your parents find out you achieved a horrible mark and this further convinces your parents to shell out hundreds and likely even thousands to bring your Mathematics up to standard (when in fact you may be competent enough anyway).
It will be useless after 2 or 3 years hey, where as your little sister will have about 7 or 8 years.
They're going to make more profits out of the older ones yes?
The phone tutor service varies randomly, one day you could get a tutor who is really brilliant and is capable of helping you with every single question you throw at them, the next day you may get a tutor who can't even integrate a lograithmic expression.
Furthermore the software is quite inferior, the tutoring algorithm is mediocre and I sometimes I wish I used Maple 11 to solve complicated integrals or other hard questions for me (although it wasn't made to tutor but used by students and professionals) and consulted my teacher, proper tutors or other Mathematicians for help.
LOL they haven't got a positive review anywhere to show to the media.
In short,
laurasia's quote pretty much explains how good the Mathemagic Computer Tutor is.
Do NOT purchase their software and avoid being convinced by them if you cannot afford to part with hard earned cash.
(I could pay off one year's worth of HECS fees with their unreasonably phenomenal prices)