hey, i got this question out of the excel book and it might have been in a past paper.
(a)Write an expression for tan(A-B) and hence deduce that for any positive interger n:
1+tan(na)tan(n+1)a-(n+1) = (tana)^-1 [tan(n+1)a-tan(na).
the a is supposed to be tetra
(b) Using (a), prove that:
Sn = tanatan2a+tan2atan3a+.......+tan(na)tan(n+1)a
= cotatan(n+1)a-(n+1).
(a)Write an expression for tan(A-B) and hence deduce that for any positive interger n:
1+tan(na)tan(n+1)a-(n+1) = (tana)^-1 [tan(n+1)a-tan(na).
the a is supposed to be tetra
(b) Using (a), prove that:
Sn = tanatan2a+tan2atan3a+.......+tan(na)tan(n+1)a
= cotatan(n+1)a-(n+1).