aww, everyone gets up so late compared to me!!
well, i wake up at 5.00 am - yes, very very early !
but i go for a power walk for about 45 minutes every morning, and i s'pose i'ts becoming quite normal in terms of a routine!
well then i get back around 6 - and then i go onto my computer and check out bored of studies, facebook, bebo, msn lol - and yes, believe it or not, there ARE people online at that time, lol. and yeah, sometimes i chat to people.
that takes me to about 7 o'clock or so - then i eat breakfast, (go to the toilet

) and then get dressed, pack my books, TAKE MY PHONE,) and i leave my home at about 8 o'clock - i get driven to school as well. i arrive at about 8.15am, and i stand around and talk to my friends etc.
so yeah - then school starts.
and that is a typical day for me!