No no just a crazy dream! (Unless I've predicted the future? I hope not!!)
On another topic, I arrived at uni at 7.30am today in preparation for my 9am exam.
I went to the room 10 minutes before, but the subject on the board was "Geology" so naturally, I began freaking out. Ran to the nearest computer lab, I'd definitely gone to the right place. Ran back to the building to see if maybe it was two exams in one room or maybe I read the door numbers wrong. Still nothing.
Sprinted back to the lab again, this time I was going to print out my timetable in case it was wrong. Turns out im an idiot and my exam was at 1.30pm, not 9am.
So after arriving 6 hours early, I finally did my exam. Super, super easy. So happy with how it went. I'm free now, but it was a stressful morning