Untalkative Member
Ok, um... I feel kinda stupid for asking this, but... ok, well, I'm doing music 1, and I just need someone to give me their opinion because I don't trust my teachers... does a song from a musical (like, one on video) count as a perfomance item for the topic 'theatre music'? Does it even matter for music 1? How far can you stretch it? (does that even make sense?) Opinions/experiences please. And what about animated movies that have lots of songs in them (like the Lion King)? Do they count as musicals, and hence theatre music? Can you do the theme song from an animated film/musical as a performance for theatre music? I'm just confusing myself here. Help me out. (In case you haven't guessed, I haven't decided on my perfomance item for the Theatre music topic, and am tossing ideas around)