For fuck sake, get back on topic...your talking about a fucking typo for christ sake.
DUDE...MATT (I think thats your name), do you know how many millions of people around the world live with disabilities? SHITLOADS. You are going to be fine. My suggestion: Go and get a 2 hour massage from exotic'll make you feel relaxed and you can focus on your school stuff.
I personally don't really see why it would be that bad to live with a disability. I mean, it's not like your weird...any normal person is very sympathetic and would treat you normal. If you come across someone that doesn't, fuck them...their low-lifes...
I don't have a disability, but my social skills suck (and yes, i'm a check-out operator at woolworths). I don't know why, but I feel 'different' from everyone else...:S
Anyways, there are plenty of people in the same boat mate...just keep on goin and in 6 months you'll be livin it up

P.S: My avatar > everyone else's avatar!