kalii said:
hey everione, i have already decided on my pip topic which it "the myth of the adolescent, their portrayal in the media and teen movies" . i pretty much chose this topic because its wat im most interested in. i would really like all your opinions. and if possible where i could gain some information. im addressing stereotypes and media influence in my research.
wat do you all think??
i think thats pretty cool. As long as you have an interest in it then go for it!

im doing my PIP on my Chinese Australian culture and how it has changed blah blah blah. Im doing it because the resources are close to me i.e. my family
My teacher told us to start getting secondary research, primary, then lastly more secondary research.
As your topic is about media and teen movies, why dont you go straight to those sources? Newspaper, tv, news, hire specific movies to do maybe a more in depth study on them?
Also there is ALOT of information on adolescence, you can relate it back to the social theorists like Erik Erikson and his view on the adolescent stage
Just look for heaps of secondary sources on the net and stuff to begin your pip
Good luck