This PIP project for S&C sounds really hard and time consuming??? BTW my other subject choices are maths, maths ext 1, adv english, bio, chem, religion I and...S&C (not sure)
Hmm, well it depends. I have pretty high standards, and my aim was a high band six. It is a lot of work (the PIP), but I believe it can also be one of the most rewarding things in high school. I'm not the most organised person though, so finishing it was pretty hectic (even though I hated it at times I still don't think that it's too big to avoid society, if you think about it it's actually worth about as much as your trial which doesnt take anywhere near as long to study for - I would have preferred it to be more for the effort( but I havent gotten it back yet so I might have to eat my words). Plus, the rest of the society course is not as hard in comparison to other subjects if you like it and don't mind essays. I agree with slyhunter, if you're really keen to do it, go for it by all means
My sister and my parents didn't think I should do society, but so far it's been one of my best subjects and I think thus will contribute significantly to my final mark, so I'm quite happy with it. If YOU are personally interested in it, my ultimate suggestion is still to take the class, and see if you still like it by the end of the first few weeks. That's how I decided to drop chem in the first week, and pick up eco (and eventually drop that too)
Looking at your subject choices I'm still not sure if you would be the most likely society student, but definitely it could work and I don't think anyone in my society class takes identical subjects. If you do belief systems in yr 12 it might tie in with religion 1 (society helped me with english extension last year in regards to imperialism and stuff

) It might also help complement your english skills in expression which is always a good idea since your english units are going to count regardless.
Plus, even if you take the whole year to decide if you drop society you have enough units. They may all count but there's no point in doing subjects that are definitely going to be backup unless you really like them I reckon. (I do 11 units in Year 12 btw, dropped a 2 unit subject, and I think 11 is a good number for me

) Like I said, the only way you'll know for sure is sitting/engaging with the classroom atmosphere and seeing what society and culture is all about

...And if you hate it, then drop it and try something else you might be considering instead.
Good luck with subject selections. Even if you don't get it right the first time, that's what the first few weeks of Year 11 are for (and for that matter if you have over 10 units you still have leeway anytime until the end of Year 12)