Need advice =) (1 Viewer)


Apr 22, 2009
lebo land
how on earth do people know sooooooo much about other being able to reach in the 90s? and how on earth are people low confident in themselves reciveing 90+? how can i beome like that? :eek:


Premium Member
Oct 13, 2008
Uni Grad
how on earth do people know sooooooo much about other being able to reach in the 90s? and how on earth are people low confident in themselves reciveing 90+? how can i beome like that? :eek:
Self Confidence :)

eg. If you think you're dumb, thats what you are, butif you say NO! I am going to do this, then you punt effort in and you get your results, simple


Apr 22, 2009
lebo land
^ yeh ur right but since i signed don to this thing everyone is aiming for a UAI 99+ and i 65+ it just make me wonder am i also capable of getting 99+.

Does anyone one know that geting a UAI is easily achivable or do u have a photographic memory?? :confused:


languages are my world <3
Sep 3, 2008
bei dir
if you want 99, you gotta work for it. if you don't then no way. simple as that.


Nov 11, 2007
Within the realms of the complex field.
^ yeh ur right but since i signed don to this thing everyone is aiming for a UAI 99+ and i 65+ it just make me wonder am i also capable of getting 99+.

Does anyone one know that geting a UAI is easily achivable or do u have a photographic memory?? :confused:
You shouldn't just aim for 99 because the rest of the people on this forum are. To get a UAI of 99 is incredibly hard and it only looks like everyone's aiming for 99+ because most of the members who post a lot are some of the state's achievers (for example we have accelerants who came first in the state - beating people in a higher grade).

But that shouldn't stop you - it doesn't hurt to aim high, but don't do it just because people on some online forum are aiming really high. If you're happy with 65, then that's fine, don't let others discourage you.


Jan 15, 2009
ive got to say, BoS this year, has helped me stay motivated.
To OP, yes 90+ UAI is still possible. However, just remember, every assessment you do, does contribute to your final UAI ranking, whether it be higher or lower.

All i can say is, you can DEFINITELY get 90+ UAI, if you put in the effort. My cousin did her HSC last year, and all year she was going out, did homework at a 20% effort.. e.g, teacher says list 10 poetic techniques from from this text..

she would list 2... lol. Study... for her was... non existant. She wouldnt sit in her room for more than 1 hour... At this rate, she was headed for 30UAI at max.. Half yearlies came, and it was a wakeup call. Her rankings were not good, and her parents OMGWTFCRAZY. So what im trying to say... is, start now, right NOW, and do small portions of study. Do it in 2 hour blocks. Dont try and sit for 6 hours straight, you wont do it, and it will be uneffective study.

She studied without fail, 2 hours or more everynight, 16 hours on weekends, and.. wow wtf? Her trial HSC UAI prediction was 87...

LMAO is all i can say... its amazing. All in all, YOU MOST CERTAINLY GET 90+ UAI. The day that im looking forward to the most, for year 12, is the day i check for my UAI on the computer...

1. It will show whether i put in effort.
2. I didnt waste my parents time & money! (i go to a private school, and my parents have made lots of sacrifices to send me to one, so thats also motivation for me)
3. Seeing a smile on my parents faces. Ive already planned exactly whats going to happen on that day. Im gonna check the UAI, print it out, put it in an envelope, wrap a ribbon around it, and leave it on kitchen bench. They will wake up, read it, come to me, hug me, (im crying now, so emotional), then RING UP MY WHOLE FMAILY AND TELL THE MOTHER FUCKERS MY UAI. They all reckon that private schools are a waste of money... but i will show them!

wow, ive gone off topic... but hey, i feel better now for getting it of my chest.

To OP, goodluck, never say never, never back down, step up!, GO HARD OR GO HOME!

Oh god i love black people films.


Nov 20, 2008
ive got to say, BoS this year, has helped me stay motivated.
To OP, yes 90+ UAI is still possible. However, just remember, every assessment you do, does contribute to your final UAI ranking, whether it be higher or lower.

All i can say is, you can DEFINITELY get 90+ UAI, if you put in the effort. My cousin did her HSC last year, and all year she was going out, did homework at a 20% effort.. e.g, teacher says list 10 poetic techniques from from this text..

she would list 2... lol. Study... for her was... non existant. She wouldnt sit in her room for more than 1 hour... At this rate, she was headed for 30UAI at max.. Half yearlies came, and it was a wakeup call. Her rankings were not good, and her parents OMGWTFCRAZY. So what im trying to say... is, start now, right NOW, and do small portions of study. Do it in 2 hour blocks. Dont try and sit for 6 hours straight, you wont do it, and it will be uneffective study.

She studied without fail, 2 hours or more everynight, 16 hours on weekends, and.. wow wtf? Her trial HSC UAI prediction was 87...

LMAO is all i can say... its amazing. All in all, YOU MOST CERTAINLY GET 90+ UAI. The day that im looking forward to the most, for year 12, is the day i check for my UAI on the computer...

1. It will show whether i put in effort.
2. I didnt waste my parents time & money! (i go to a private school, and my parents have made lots of sacrifices to send me to one, so thats also motivation for me)
3. Seeing a smile on my parents faces. Ive already planned exactly whats going to happen on that day. Im gonna check the UAI, print it out, put it in an envelope, wrap a ribbon around it, and leave it on kitchen bench. They will wake up, read it, come to me, hug me, (im crying now, so emotional), then RING UP MY WHOLE FMAILY AND TELL THE MOTHER FUCKERS MY UAI. They all reckon that private schools are a waste of money... but i will show them!

wow, ive gone off topic... but hey, i feel better now for getting it of my chest.

To OP, goodluck, never say never, never back down, step up!, GO HARD OR GO HOME!

Oh god i love black people films.


Retired Member
Aug 31, 2007
ive got to say, BoS this year, has helped me stay motivated.
To OP, yes 90+ UAI is still possible. However, just remember, every assessment you do, does contribute to your final UAI ranking, whether it be higher or lower.

All i can say is, you can DEFINITELY get 90+ UAI, if you put in the effort. My cousin did her HSC last year, and all year she was going out, did homework at a 20% effort.. e.g, teacher says list 10 poetic techniques from from this text..

she would list 2... lol. Study... for her was... non existant. She wouldnt sit in her room for more than 1 hour... At this rate, she was headed for 30UAI at max.. Half yearlies came, and it was a wakeup call. Her rankings were not good, and her parents OMGWTFCRAZY. So what im trying to say... is, start now, right NOW, and do small portions of study. Do it in 2 hour blocks. Dont try and sit for 6 hours straight, you wont do it, and it will be uneffective study.

She studied without fail, 2 hours or more everynight, 16 hours on weekends, and.. wow wtf? Her trial HSC UAI prediction was 87...

LMAO is all i can say... its amazing. All in all, YOU MOST CERTAINLY GET 90+ UAI. The day that im looking forward to the most, for year 12, is the day i check for my UAI on the computer...

1. It will show whether i put in effort.
2. I didnt waste my parents time & money! (i go to a private school, and my parents have made lots of sacrifices to send me to one, so thats also motivation for me)
3. Seeing a smile on my parents faces. Ive already planned exactly whats going to happen on that day. Im gonna check the UAI, print it out, put it in an envelope, wrap a ribbon around it, and leave it on kitchen bench. They will wake up, read it, come to me, hug me, (im crying now, so emotional), then RING UP MY WHOLE FMAILY AND TELL THE MOTHER FUCKERS MY UAI. They all reckon that private schools are a waste of money... but i will show them!

wow, ive gone off topic... but hey, i feel better now for getting it of my chest.

To OP, goodluck, never say never, never back down, step up!, GO HARD OR GO HOME!

Oh god i love black people films.
+1. The ending wasn't necessary lol.

To OP: Yes it's quite possible to achieve your UAI aim if you continue to study. I'm currently facing the same dilemna, where my high UAI aim of 99+ seems out of reach because I believe that my half yearlies didn't go so well (I became complacent after my really good term 4 results)... But just persevere with it and work really hard.

Here's a quote for you that always motivates me 100%. (Mainly due to the scene, the tone of Will Smith's voice and the hardships he's faced)

Pursuit of Happyness

Christopher Gardner: Hey. Don’t ever let somebody tell you… You can’t do something. Not even me. All right? You got a dream… You gotta protect it. People can’t do somethin’ themselves, they wanna tell you you can’t do it. If you want somethin’, go get it. Period.
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Jan 15, 2009
Here's a quote for you that always motivates me 100%. (Mainly due to the scene, the tone of Will Smith's voice and the hardships he's faced)

Pursuit of Happyness

Christopher Gardner: Hey. Don’t ever let somebody tell you… You can’t do something. Not even me. All right? You got a dream… You gotta protect it. People can’t do somethin’ themselves, they wanna tell you you can’t do it. If you want somethin’, go get it. Period.[/quote]

haha, see! its always the black guy with the awesome motivation!

"Never back down", quoted by african guy to ... watever his name is.
"Step Up", quoted by Mario, to chad turner or watever.
"GO HARD OR GO HOME", quoted by the jumping krumping mofos, they are awesome! E70? or something their group...

and will smith... hehe

again to OP, you can dooo it
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Apr 22, 2009
lebo land
ive got to say, BoS this year, has helped me stay motivated.
To OP, yes 90+ UAI is still possible. However, just remember, every assessment you do, does contribute to your final UAI ranking, whether it be higher or lower.

All i can say is, you can DEFINITELY get 90+ UAI, if you put in the effort. My cousin did her HSC last year, and all year she was going out, did homework at a 20% effort.. e.g, teacher says list 10 poetic techniques from from this text..

she would list 2... lol. Study... for her was... non existant. She wouldnt sit in her room for more than 1 hour... At this rate, she was headed for 30UAI at max.. Half yearlies came, and it was a wakeup call. Her rankings were not good, and her parents OMGWTFCRAZY. So what im trying to say... is, start now, right NOW, and do small portions of study. Do it in 2 hour blocks. Dont try and sit for 6 hours straight, you wont do it, and it will be uneffective study.

She studied without fail, 2 hours or more everynight, 16 hours on weekends, and.. wow wtf? Her trial HSC UAI prediction was 87...

LMAO is all i can say... its amazing. All in all, YOU MOST CERTAINLY GET 90+ UAI. The day that im looking forward to the most, for year 12, is the day i check for my UAI on the computer...

1. It will show whether i put in effort.
2. I didnt waste my parents time & money! (i go to a private school, and my parents have made lots of sacrifices to send me to one, so thats also motivation for me)
3. Seeing a smile on my parents faces. Ive already planned exactly whats going to happen on that day. Im gonna check the UAI, print it out, put it in an envelope, wrap a ribbon around it, and leave it on kitchen bench. They will wake up, read it, come to me, hug me, (im crying now, so emotional), then RING UP MY WHOLE FMAILY AND TELL THE MOTHER FUCKERS MY UAI. They all reckon that private schools are a waste of money... but i will show them!

wow, ive gone off topic... but hey, i feel better now for getting it of my chest.

To OP, goodluck, never say never, never back down, step up!, GO HARD OR GO HOME!

Oh god i love black people films.
soooooooooooo ur sister did quite bad on her halfyearlys and tried hard in the other assesments and still manage to get a really good UAI in the end, right?


Jan 15, 2009
soooooooooooo ur sister did quite bad on her halfyearlys and tried hard in the other assesments and still manage to get a really good UAI in the end, right?

my sisters in year 10, u telling me the bitch accelerated?

ima teach her a lesson


Apr 29, 2008
omggg i did sooo bad in my half yearly xams

ancient history 88% rank 9/22
maths 58 % 40/70
legal studies 77%
english 86%
bio 67% rank 39/64 =(
sor 1 64%
ext eng 85%

is there still a chance for me to do well in the hsc =(

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