i use winmx for mp3s and someone told me to try edonkey (he uses it for games)... and i've heard kazaa is good for porn (will download that tonight )
i've heard soulseek ( or .org or something) is good for specific genres of music (like trance and hiphop etc) but that's about it.
Originally posted by Rahul kazza lite, its kazzaa, but better. its advanteges; cheat to make ur participation level 1000 always, auto-speedup and NO(or limited) SPYWARE/ADWARE.
yea ive been using kazaalite for who know how long now its great
ive just found another program called shareaza u might have heard of i tried it long time ago it suks back then, but now it got updated combines edonkey and couple of other networks its great it has tons of files AND starts off almost instantly like kazaa, so it has both advantages i highly recommend u guys to try it
iambored: klite uses a cheat which makes the participation lvl always 1000. auto speed up is a program, which u can get for kazzaa too, which is like u goin and "finding more sources" every 10/20/30 mins or so. this means that u use maximum capabilities of ur bandwidth.