Passing judgement on your behalf is an implicit indication that you believe yourself to have more maturity than me, and thus pass judgement on my "inferior maturity"
Excellent! Baby can use full sentences! Because that's what I totally want - an absolutely useless "intellectual" debate using full sentences about how you're not actually stupid.
Face it kid, you goof'd and you will goof more in life - not because you are as stupid as I make you out to be, but because it is inherently going to happen to everyone. If you want to get better at life, start now by accepting that you can make a mistake, and people will call you out on it and laugh at you. Graney even came in to actually out-logic you without criticising you and you completely ignored him and chose to respond to the one guy who actually bothered to make a joke out of you. Your comment was typical of someone who wanted to come off as a hard-ass with a "life's not fair deal with it" motto but really was just a stupid comment that you have somehow misguided yourself into believing, and in doing so have made a mockery out of significant catastrophes in history.
Grow up, son.