Maystar said:
Careful with that. I know people who think they're great at what they do. But they really.......aren't. Those that really do well are interesting. You might think they would all have the same personality but they can be quite polar. Still, I wish I had the self-confidence they had.
Lol yeah, I'm certainly not encouraging ignorant egotism. And I know what you mean. I've found that it's often the people that do the best who are the most insecure. After the HSC, I'm sure we'll both have time to work on our self-confidence issues

Not to mention, there's uni where we can both become invisible blips in the back of the lecture hall! Teachers have already warned me about how different uni is... lecturers apparently don't care if you study or not. Either way, it's your reward or problem. Not too personable, but it seems fair enough.
Maystar said:
Same for's really unfortunate. But I think, with a little help, I convinced myself that I'll be ok this time round. I only believe that half the time though. I lost sleep over this last night. (Business went pretty well though, I think :s)
That's great to hear

Was it generally harder or easier than you anticipated? I'm hoping that since we're the biggest cohort yet, they'll want our year to be very successful lol.
If you think you'll be ok, odds are that you will. It's a hassle attempting to drill positivity into your brain, but it's nice when it finally sticks. I tend to oscillate pretty frequently between "I've studied less and done ok before... this will be fine" and asking people to point me in the direction of the nearest bridge. It'll probably make for some amusing memories though!
Maystar said:
Not the same story as mine...I basically messed up this whole year. Well, it's not bad. But I could have done better and I know it. The other thing is I just don't handle pressure well, during the exam itself. Today I was hardly fussed though, once I actually started on the exam. Hmm. Nice

I think that dealing with failure by not trying hardest thing happened to me, except subconsciously, so I only realised it a few weeks ago. And it's more personal because if you talked to your classmates about it you think they might laugh at you, but I can't laugh at you properly so that makes it ok.
or you like me
Don't you love those epiphanies that come to you just
after you realise you're kinda screwed?

Yay for surprising calmness though! It would have been a nice way to start the HSC. Haha, you can't "properly" laugh? Is that implying that you're still laughing, albeit not properly? Yeah, I might like you a little
Maystar said:
I would have said that, but I had to run off and cram anyway

. The same applies to you. And there's no way I am ever going to feel prepared for tomorrow, I just have to confide in the fact that nobody else does either....which is not untrue. I think it makes me feel better too...but I haven't been here long. Joined in July or something but didn't start until a couple days ago.
I think it would comfort everyone to know that they're not the only one's doing night-before studying (thus the very existence of this thread actually). There's something much more pleasant about failing together than doing it on your own lol. I lurked on BOS for ages with an old account (which I've since forgotten the password for!), but I haven't been posting for too long either.
Maystar said:
Oh, YOU'RE ON! But given your subjects, I can't say it's very likely we're going for the same course....
You never know... I'll have to take a maths (and possibly science) bridging course for mine. I'm sure it's fairly obvious considering our rather analytic discussion of failure, but I'm hoping for psych
Maystar said:
Yet you chose to do 4 units of it...I know others like that and it perplexes me. Ahh well
logical! --------yes
rational! ------yes
normal! --------fail
Oh no, maths is even more excruciating! I used to be good at it, but after getting 47% in an exam a few years ago, the emotional scarring was too great lol. It completely doesn't work with my brain anymore

The bridging course should be much fun! I'll definitely need to hire my mathematically-inclined friends as tutors.
Maystar said:
Bah, thanks, glad you liked it. Will I still be on this forum in 10 years? Yeah

provided the internet doesnt blow up.
Good luck sister!
If the internet ever does blow up, my life might actually cease to exist. I'd say I'll be on this forum until at least 75
Best of luck for tomorrow! (Last time we'll ever have to write the word 'journey'... I can finally die happy.)