1st thing I don't think this is the correct category but oh well
As the title says, I don't know what course I want to do in Uni and probably my whole life. I don't really find a passionate interest in any area or my subjects
My subjects for 2018 HSC are 10 units
-English Standard
-Mathematics General 2
-Modern History
-Legal Studies
If I HAD to choose a course or career based off one of those subjects, probably Biology or Legal Studies but these two subjects, its not like I like them alot more anyways. I'm not a top tier student but I think I can do decently well in my HSC. Since I'm doing my HSC this year and I am most probably going to Uni straight after, I'm kinda in a dilemma that I don't know what Uni course I want to do which may affect my future jobs choices.
Advice wanted
Secondly, I think asking your friends would be a good idea. I remember one of my friends was panicking the night before UAC choices closed. I knew she wasn't interested in med, but I knew she was good at articulating things, finding weaknesses, had a very critical mindset etc so I suggested law. However, she didn't really find that really interesting so I thought about the next best thing - she's a very hands on, creative person, and she's good at problem solving and fixing stuff -> so I suggested engineering. So, the point is - try and find someone who knows you well, and ask them what they think they can see you doing!!
I like the idea of seeking input from a close friend. However, many of my friends think that I should become an author because I "like writing", know a lot of "sophisticated words" and have "ideas". That would honestly be so awesome if I become one, but much of it relies on chance.
Another friend recently suggested that I should become a historian! Honestly, I have never thought about it before, but I do enjoy history.
Others have suggested becoming a piano teacher as I "play well". It's a rather lackadaisical job, and it pays well. However, I stopped at Eighth Grade, so this would need me to continue onto AMUS, which is
okay, but I'm not super passionate about music. Nonetheless, music teaching has always been a back-up plan if I fail school and one day find myself impoverished.
Another friend did suggest law because I'm very "thorough". My parents have also suggested law to me because I'm "good at writing" and "can sit at the desk for hours". But while Legal Studies is interesting, I'm not interested in actual law at all.
Another friend suggested becoming an academic or a university professor. << This one seems the most liable to me!
So OP, I don't know much about the ins-and-outs of choosing uni courses, as I'm in the same cohort as you, but here's my advice anyway:
* Yes,
listen to your friends and family! They sometimes can know you better than you know yourself! (Especially for someone like me who lacks self-awareness

) Make a list, as I just did, of all their suggestions and do processes of elimination to suss out which seems to the most liable to you.
Focus on the work at hand. You're in the same cohort as me. Remember that you can't actually proceed to the next step (choosing a career) without completing the first (the HSC). So make sure to smash your assignments and exams. Getting a high enough ATAR can get you into almost any course! You'll have plenty of options. You'll have a few more options than me, considering that you kept Math. (I dropped it in Year 11)
Use your hobbies! Similar to my 10+ years of piano-playing, you can use sport to venture in coaching or teaching. Maybe a nice side-job, or if you enjoy it, as a full-time job?
* Just a general note, many of the top students in my grade have no idea what they want to do after school... It gives you more incentive to do really well. That way, you can choose whatever you want in uni.
Good luck! I'm sure you'll end up where you want to be, even if you don't know exactly where that is yet.