regardless of your help, of that i do not deny. You do come out with as much bullshit as people claim. I always say a reputation just doesnt develop on its own. I have a rep for shit stiring, why because i shit stir. The west has a rep for beeing a rough area why? because there are parts of it that have an incredibly high crime rate.
Half of the problem that UWS people have is they take what is said too personaly, if people dont react, people wont push. But with that said, expressing views regardless how narrowminded are a right each and everyone of us has. If you dont like it; tough luck, move to china.
Yes a freedom of speach does protect you from openly slanderous comments, but i hate to break it to you he is right. You condradict yourself at times (i do it alot myself). He should not be banned for slanderous comments if they are not slanderous. Because if they are true, then they fall under the freedom of speach. I put this to you, if you do not like what he has to say then go to this link from here you can update your ignore list and you will no longer have to put up with what he has to say.
You are going to have to put up with people who say things you dont like, unless he verbally assults you OR says slanderous comments about you, i hope him and people like him dont get banned. Because if he does then it goes against EVERYTHING the internet stands for.