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Go here and leave this thread alone thanks.Legham said:Christians are gay, and completely wrong about the whole god/jesus crap. Try believing in something that has some evidence of it being true. Also, to any christians here, normal people DO NOT want to hear ANYTHING about religion.. So don't even try and preach it to us, or even mention believing in God, unless you wanna be hated by everyone (apart from other christians).
i think someone has been abused by jehovah witnesses.....dont worry, they arent christian..thank godLegham said:Christians are gay, and completely wrong about the whole god/jesus crap. Try believing in something that has some evidence of it being true. Also, to any christians here, normal people DO NOT want to hear ANYTHING about religion.. So don't even try and preach it to us, or even mention believing in God, unless you wanna be hated by everyone (apart from other christians).
If we Christians are to be fair dinkum in our faith then we have no choice but to obey the commands of Christ in Matthew 28: 19/20 which says," Therefore go and make disciples of all nations baptizing them in the name of the Father andd of the Son and of the Holy Spirit., and teaching them to obey everything I have commanded you . And surely I will be with you always, to the very end of the earth."jcnme said:two things i cant stand are:
(1) christians who are really boring and outdated, who are bible bashing freaks who give christianity a bad name as well as embarising the rest of us and god
(2) people who label ALL christians as boring and nerdy unfortunatly the many who are, give us all a bad name
having sed that, without tryin to start an age old controversy i want to point out that not all christians are anoying littl "know it alls" true christians are absolute mavericks and are deadly fun to be with.
i beleive that a life without christ is pointless...thats just my opinion... please repect that because god knows i respect yours... but trust me once you kno the truth and u start livin for god...theres no turnin bac...but your in for the ride for your life
well i think iv succesfully offended most veiwers
sori! i just wantde to put it out there...its just somethin that gets under my skin
Cause you're a jackass.When you've got good news why keep it to yourself?
Because God is real you hate me. Praise the lord. Did you that you are mentioned in the Bible. It says if you are true to God the World will hate you and you have just added further proof to the existence of God. Thank You for your help!Legham said:Christians are gay, and completely wrong about the whole god/jesus crap. Try believing in something that has some evidence of it being true. Also, to any christians here, normal people DO NOT want to hear ANYTHING about religion.. So don't even try and preach it to us, or even mention believing in God, unless you wanna be hated by everyone (apart from other christians).
What gets to me about religion isn't the people or the theology itself, but rather the failings of the institutes (ie church) and the existence of narrow minded people like you who thinks that everyone else is wrong. What happened to tolerance?Ian McAlpin said:Because God is real you hate me. Praise the lord. Did you that you are mentioned in the Bible. It says if you are true to God the World will hate you and you have just added further proof to the existence of God. Thank You for your help!
The best news of all is that there is nothing you can do to stop God loving you!
Why dont you want to hear abgout God - are you scared about what you will hear?
Thank goodness God hasn't given up on you and now you are being prayed for God is going to keep challenging you about your relationship (or non-relationship) with him!
I trust you are ready.
God Bless
At least read the Bible. There's a free gift inside!Legham said:Christians are gay, and completely wrong about the whole god/jesus crap. Try believing in something that has some evidence of it being true. Also, to any christians here, normal people DO NOT want to hear ANYTHING about religion.. So don't even try and preach it to us, or even mention believing in God, unless you wanna be hated by everyone (apart from other christians).
I cant say everything else is wrong because that isnt true and because i'm not judgemental of others. Sorry if I gave you the wrong message. Christians have to be tolerant of others because Jesus practiced tolerance and if I am going to do my best to serve Jesus then tolerance is essential and that is why forgiveness is such a wonderful thing. We do however have an obligation to share the Gospel because God commands it. God loves you anyway even if you dont want him to. I am very tolerant and I will wait for you to examine it all carefully without judging you. You are not answerable to me only God and that is why I will pray daily for you to understand how much God loves you. He loves so much he doesnt force himself on you but loves you anyway and you cant prevent that. I will pray for you to understand and I apologise if you think Im intolerant. I just want you to have to have the same assurance as I have surely there's no harm in wanting something that can only be a good thing for you.Templar said:What gets to me about religion isn't the people or the theology itself, but rather the failings of the institutes (ie church) and the existence of narrow minded people like you who thinks that everyone else is wrong. What happened to tolerance?
The end point, God hasn't failed us, but rather, the church and the people have.
Amen brotherblue_chameleon said:For those of you whom think God isnt real because you cant see Him and there is no evidence of Him, you are mistaken. I believe I have the liberty of saying this, as I have the testimony to draw from. Ive walked alone, been near the end, to the furthest of the extremes. I can say ive seen both sides. Knowing God is a truly personal thing, and im not posting this to preach to anyone, just voicing my opinion on a few issues, of which I have right to.
Honestly, I think that anybody on here (Christian or not) who think that they can justify putting people in boxes, in terms of what they think they are like based upon similiar people, I can tell you now, you're heading down the wrong path. Believe it or not, everybody is different.
Now, im not a "full-on" Christian by any means, I do things that im ashamed of, and have constant battles with issues that are just as real to me as the next Jim Brown. Like every normal human being, and indeed every Christian.
Personally, I think that there is no point voicing how much you dont like things a certain person does or thinks(in regards to the topic starter). The simple fact of the matter is, nobody is perfect, ever. We all fall short.
I met a friend who invited me along to his church, and I was astounded at how warped my mindset was of church and Christianity. I saw it for what it was, and without any intention whatsoever of making such a "huge change" to my life, I became a Christian that night. The feeling I had that night, was.......well indescribable.
Yeah, sure I fall down in areas, and im not 100% 24/7, but that doesnt change my perception of God and Jesus, and the understanding and significance of just what they gave up. Nor does it change the perception my friends (most of who have been Christians for years now) have of me. Nor should it.
It doesnt matter how fast, or how far you run, somethings you just cant escape. Ask yourself this. What are you really afraid of? Bringing down all the walls and barriers that so many people build up for themselves to shield them from their fears, does the life you lead today guarantee that you are safe from this fear becoming real? If so, by all means, continue living life to the full. But because of what I have in my life today, I fear nothing.