Yah. Sames.

Well, not ripping-out-hair stressed, but a kind of subconsious nagging feeling at the back of my mind that all is not well.....
And, i'll be getting my results the day i leave for M'sia, so it'll probably be the make-or-break of the enjoyment of my holiday..... AND, after a week in M'sia, we're going to be staying with our relatives in Sydney for two weeks, and no doubt are they going to enquire about my uai/marks..... and, if my uai isn't as good as expected, then i'll have that hanging over me for two weeks, with tut-tut-ing relatives and all.... *explodes*....
eh. What do i care? It's my fault after all.
Yeh... i don't really care about what i get. But, i do care about what other people think of me when i do get my results... and that should theoretically lead me to caring about what i get.... but, i don't care... which is a paradox. And, paradoxes confuse me, so i'll just stop thinking about it, shall i?
Well, 8 days, eh? Shall be counting down.....
oh yeah. hi BOS! Long time no see!!!