1. welcome, course info, instructions on filling out forms and help to fill out forms. you can ask questions but most questions youwnat to ask are usually answered there.
2. thats what you're there for, given info and forms and then enrolment begins.
3.he can still come with you to the AAS, but i think his documents wont be there. what i mean is he can get the forms and stuff to fill in e.g. hecs form and student declaration, but the fomr with his name stating his course and units to enrol in might not be there since that is not his day. he can come in and get all the info so when he comes in later, he can be more ready.
4.AAS finished quite quickly because there are alot of forms to be processed so they want you to get in and out. They will talk for like maybe 2-3 mins on course and stuff but they will hand out your forms package and hellp you fill out your forms, tell you where to sign, where to put your TFN and stuff like that. but the whol ething might take half an hour or less becasue you gotta wait in line to hand in forms, id photos, getting forms checked and stuff. So best is try to do your forms quickly becasue first in line means first out.
5. AAS: yes, you can leave after you hand in forms and get your id card and tut reg info pamphlet.