i was the only girl in a class of 15 got 96 in half yearlies and i decided that i didnt want to stay in the feild so i did construstion got 97.5 in half yearlies and was the only girl in a class of 12 and was the only one offered a job after workplacement as a carpenter/joinerand then decided i didnt want to do that either and now i am the only girl in my primary industries class and i got 98 in my half yearlies for it, the guys got 60's roughly in all three. i want to do breeding and hybred of animal management, girls are not high in any of these feilds but i could get into any of them eisily.
dont be sexist just because you are scared that girls are just as good if not better in feild that make you feel more of a man, all bussinesses that i have talked to now hirer woman before men, so thats more proof then stats