I had a game at HeartBreak Ridge (blacktown) last friday with 39 other people. Was raining, was cold, was slippery, was dangerous, people falling everywhere, everyone screaming in agony, paint flying everywhere....friggin amazing
+ of the day
Went all Jack Bauer/James Bond/Jason Bourne/Ninja-ish/Special Ops and teamed up with a mate where we did all sorts of shit like sneaking through the sides when everyone was in the middle field going nuts at each other.
Commando rolling out of nowhere for no reason is also great fun, except when you roll over a farking rock... (which off course i did not do...

- of the day
Twas covering the base where the flag was at in the middle, saw some guys/girls running over to the left side to try and flank us, i decided just to try and move to the left abit as well by myself to try and stop them further back. I had someone behind me cover me as i ran forward, stopped behind a tree...then out of nowhere i got hit about 7 times all over my right side 1 hit my mask smack bang where the ear cover was, the ball broke and all the paint went deep inside my ear, the other 6 however, hit my body and NONE of them broke....and we all know the ones that don't break hurt more. So there i was, in pain and couldnt hear jack shit out of my right ear.
On the way home, i still had some paint left on my ear, while walking to the train station, i had some random come up to me looking all worried..."Hey man, umm...i think your ears bleeding man"

, i told him i just had paintball and he walked off laughing.
...i still think there is some paint in there, meh, cbf :uhhuh: