If I pay for my parking permit but haven't yet received it will I get busted for parking at uni?
How do you print out a receipt if you pay at the post office?fai69 said:What you do is print out the reciept and place it on the dash until you get the permit.
It's still cheaper to get a permit anyway...kerfuffle said:You display the receipt that the post office gives you? *shrugs*
Speaking of parking, looks like they removed the parking machines where you pay $4 (I asked the parking guy wandering around in one of the carparks at Werrington South, and that's what he said O_O). Does anyone know why? ('Cause now it means I'll have to get a permit, despite the fact that I drive to university once a week.)
It says on the Internet Order that it could, depending on how you paid for it, one to five business days for UWS to receive the payment. So it'd take a maximum of fifteen business days before you get your permit. O_OOptophobia said:I emailed them today because i purchased one on the 12th & still haven't received it.
.Dear Sir/Madam
Thank you for your email and continued patience. We are finalising the
permit dispatch with Australia Post and will be completing the permit
delivery on Wednesday 28 February and Thursday 1 March. You should
receive your permit shortly after these dates.
In the interim please continue to display your receipt on your
UWS Parking
Capital Works and Facilities
University of Western Sydney
Locked Bag 1797
Penrith South DC 1797